Research stipends for translators

Für die deutsche Version bitte auf den Link klicken

Target group

The Berlin translation stipends break new ground in support for individual literary translators by taking into account the unique dual aspect of their artistic practice – both the shaping of language and the mediation of authors, literatures, and cultures across linguistic borders – and by recognizing their role in the polyphonic international cultural life of the city of Berlin
The research stipends for translators fill a gap in Berlin’s support for literature and strengthen Berlin as a world city of literature.

Eligibility and conditions

Applicants should be professional translators, as evidenced by at least two published literary translations (not self-published).
The translators live and work in Berlin.
The text or book to be translated must already have been published; authorship and copyright must have been clarified in advance.
The research stipend for Berlin translators cannot be combined with another translation grant within the same funding period.

Funding volume

A total of €80,000 is available for the research stipends.
The stipends are each endowed with a lump sum of €8,000 or €4,000.

Allocation of funding

An independent jury decides on the applications. The jury consists of Patricia Klobusiczky, Ingeborg Robles y Zepf and Achim Wagner. All applicants will be notified of the results in writing by email by the end of June 2024.

Information event on the scholarships

In cooperation with the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion, schreiben & leben invites you to an information event about the scholarship programme. Representatives of the funding programme will provide an overview of the most important information on the application process and clarify any unanswered questions in a direct discussion.

Monday, 15 January 2024, 4 pm-5.30 pm, online

Info session on the research grants for translators

Please register via the link to the event. Only then will you receive the link to the online event!

Note: The Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion is not the organiser of this information event!

Comments and questions about the event will be answered by the staff of schreiben & leben.

You will only receive the link to the online event after registering, and only from schreiben & leben.

Submitting an application

The application period begins on 16 January 2024 and ends on 6 March 2024, noon.

Please refer to the current version of the information sheet for detailed information on submitting an application.

  • Information Sheet

    PDF-Document (146.5 kB) - As of: 12. Dezember 2023

  • Proof of permission to use work

    PDF-Document (47.4 kB) - As of: 13. Dezember 2022

  • Declaration of public domain

    PDF-Document (47.1 kB) - As of: 13. Dezember 2022

Applications – and all attachments – must be submitted electronically.

Access to the online application procedure

Please note that the following content is in German
Bitte lesen Sie zuerst das Informationsblatt und die FAQs auf der Webseite genau.
Sollten sich Fragen ergeben, die darüber hinausgehen, steht Frau Estelle Amann zur Verfügung.

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