Public and Police Services Ombudsman for the State of Berlin

Foro von Alexander Oerke.jpg

My name is Dr. Alexander Oerke. I am the Public and Police Services Ombudsman for the State of Berlin. My duties and powers are taken from the Law on Public and Police Services Ombudsmen (BeBüPolG Bln).

The Ombudsman is an autonomous, highest state authority and not part of the police department. It is an independent complaints and arbitration body and mediator that aims to provide quickly assistance with minimum red tape in disputes with the Berlin authorities. My staff is independent, not bound by instructions and are only subject to the law.

The ‘Public Ombudsman is the competent body for complaints against the Berlin authorities and other institutions which are subject to the supervision of the state of Berlin.

As Police Ombudsman” I am the contact partner for *complaints against the police and I will ensure that substantiated concerns are remedied.

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