Current language: English

Against which institution can you lodge a complaint?

The Public and Police Services Ombudsman is the competent body for complaints against the Berlin police and all other authorities and institutions that are subject to the supervision of the state of Berlin.

Here you can find an overview of the authorities

Here you can find more Informations about the district offices.

The Public and Police Services Ombudsman is not the competent body for complaints against

  • the Petitions Committee,
  • the Berlin Auditor General,
  • organs, authorities and companies (e.g. the Federal Employment Agency, Deutsche Bundesbahn, S-Bahn) or authorities of other federal states,
  • private persons, private companies and associations,
  • churches and religious groups,
  • political parties,
  • independent public officers (e.g. Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information) and
  • court decisions.

The Ombudsman is also not the competent body for:

  • general or abstract legal questions,
  • political issues,
  • disputes and conflicts under private law,
  • receiving criminal complaints.

If you have received a formal decision from an authority, please note these instructions.