Current language: English

What issues can you complain about?

The Ombudsman deals with complaints regarding unlawful, inexpedient, disproportionate or discriminatory actions or omissions by staff of the Berlin local government or when your issue is not processed in reasonable time.

I. Complaints lodged with the Public Ombudsman concern, for example:

  • inaction of or inability to contact the authorities,
  • disproportionately long processing times,
  • services/benefits for basic social security in old age and reduction in earning capacity under Social Insurance Code (SGB) XII,
  • services/benefits and questions pursuant to other social codes,
    e.g. child and youth welfare under SGB VIII, the Law on Services for Asylum Seekers (AsylbLG) or housing benefit (WoGG),
  • proof of entitlement, e.g. Berlin Ticket S,
  • complaints in law enforcement (StVollzG Bln)
  • administrative offence proceedings (OWiG).

The Public Ombudsman refrains from investigation:

  • during or after court proceedings,
  • if the Petitions Committee of the Berlin House of Representatives is or was involved in the same matter
    (exception: petitions assigned in accordance with Section 4a (1) sentence 1 PetG)
  • during preliminary proceedings initiated by the public prosecutor,
    provided that the complaint does not involve a delay in the preliminary proceedings,
  • if the process is or was object of an enquiry committee pursuant to Art. 48 of the Berlin Charter,
  • if no specific issue or recognisable context can be ascertained from the submission.

II. Complaints lodged with the Police Ombudsman concern, for example:

  • police checks and other operations,
  • inaction in the submission of criminal complaints
  • police investigations,
  • trafficmatters,
  • cautions and fines,
  • assemblies.

Please notice that a complaint against the police must be submitted within six months of the end of the police action.

The Police Ombudsman cannot become involved

  • if the matter involves court proceedings or
  • is object of an enquiry committee pursuant to Art. 48 of the Berlin Charter.

III. The Ombudsman is not the competent body for

  • general or abstract legal questions,
  • political issues,
  • disputes and conflicts under private law,
  • receiving criminal complaints.