Current language: English

Festive Kick-Off at the Berlin Town Hall & a Productive Workshop

Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmer des Kick-Off und Workshops

Police President Dr. Slowik and State Secretary Torsten Akmann, introduced the EU project “Safer Space for Safer Cities” in the Berlin Town Hall. In the workshops that followed, the participants explored the topics with the focus on protection of public spaces.

Around 100 guests were invited to the kick-off event – including all nine European project partners, the Berlin SafeCi team, police attachés, media representatives and politicians. They all used the kick-off event for exchanging initial ideas and to network.

“On 19.12.2016, our city was hit in her heart”, said Dr. Slowik speaking of the attack at Breitscheidplatz. “Some of the project partners have suffered similarly terrible things, experienced such nightmares. The project is particularly concerned with bringing together our experience and deriving action catalogues to ultimately make all our cities safer”.

International Workshop on the Protection of Public Spaces

After the kick-off event, the two-day workshop started, in which the seven sub-projects were presented and the previous concepts, ideas and plans on the various current challenges were compared with each other. The results will be used to design a questionnaire that asks international partners about examples of best practice. This involves identifying technical solutions and successful implementation processes.

The collection of solutions and concepts for the protection of public spaces will be analysed in detail within the project. It will also be determined, which regional methods are transferable to other countries and cities.

  • Zwei Polizisten im Gespräch
  • Zwei Projektmitglieder vor einem weißen Buddy-Bären
  • Frau PPr'in im Gespräch
  • Publikum im Saal
  • Publikum im Saal
  • Moderatorin mit einem Polizeibeamten
  • 2 Präsentatoren neben einer Stellwand
  • Präsentator in einem Workshopraum
  • Präsentatorin vor zwei Stellwänden
  • Teilnehmer im Gespräch
  • Teilnehmer im Gespräch
  • Teilnehmer im Gespräch
  • Teilnehmer im Gespräch
  • Publikum
  • Publikum
  • Publikum
Förderhinweis SafeCi