When promotion is at risk
Every student should, if possible, successfully complete their chosen educational pathway and achieve the desired school leaving qualification.
If during the school year it turns out that promotion is at risk, e.g., based on the first term report, the school will determine individual support in order to achieve a promotion. The school is obliged to do so under Section 59 (2) of the School Act. This is not just about exhorting the student to try harder but also about creating a coordinated support plan for them.
Support plan
Every instructing teacher must first describe the student’s performance deficits in concrete terms and diagnose the causes. Then individual support measures will be derived from these reports. The support measures will be coordinated with the class teaching staff and summarized in a support and educational plan.
This plan will be discussed by the class teacher with the student and their parents. An agreement on objectives that is signed by the class teacher, the parents and the student should document the efforts the student must make in order to achieve the class objectives and how the student is to be supported by his parents and his teachers.
To ensure that this process can be carried out successfully in all cases, the schools are provided with guidelines as well as forms for the diagnosis, support plan and agreement on objectives.