Beware of pickpockets!

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Defiler trick, jostling trick, money changing trick...

…are the best-known tricks used by pickpockets in our city. And they succeed over and over again in stealing cash, jewelry and bank cards from wallets, clothing and bags of Berlin’s citizens and visitors with their nimble fingers and sophisticated methods.
They usually proceed in a division of labor. While one pickpocket distracts the victim, the second pickpocket takes advantage of the victim’s inattention, grabs the stolen goods and hands them over to a third person, who then moves away from the actual crime.
Pickpockets find numerous opportunities in crowded places. Public transportation, shopping trips, and events can often be targeted, making these activities potentially less enjoyable.

LKA 26 is centrally responsible for combating pickpocketing throughout Berlin.

How do pickpockets proceed?
tricks as images in pdf format
How to protect yourself
Download information
What to do if you become a victim

How do pickpockets proceed? All tricks

  • Cover trick

    The pickpocket goes into a restaurant or else where you’re sitting on a table having your cell phone or wallet placed on. He holds a donation list/town map or a begging slip over the item of value, and asks you for a donation while stealing the item lying on the table.

  • Dance trick

    The pickpocket spontaneously approaches you and begins to dance in front of you and with you. He uses the resulting physical contact to steal your valuables.

  • Hugger mugging trick

    The pickpocket appears to be over-friendly for no particular reason and hugs you while pickpocketing you.

  • Defiler trick

    The pickpocket or his accomplice deliberately defiles you covering you in ketchup, ice cream or some sort of liquid. During lengthy attempts to clean up the mess, the valuable items or money disappear from your pocket.

  • Begging trick

    Children hold a sign in front of you in pubs or restaurants or run around you in the street, while one of them takes advantage of the distraction to reach for the purse or wallet on the table.

  • The blocking trick

    The pickpocket suddenly places himself directly in front of you blocking your way or hinders your entry onto public transport, such as a bus or train. A second and/or third accomplice presses up behind you and robs you.

  • Flower trick

    A stranger greets you in a friendly manner, hugs you, puts a flower in your hand and steals your wallet.

  • Jostling trick

    The pickpocket harasses you from behind or from the side or you are held in a pincer grip by several pickpockets. The physical contact makes it easier for them to steal valuables from your pockets.
    You are bumped in a crowd or heckled by the pickpocket while being on an escalator or moving on stairs when he takes your valuables out of you bag or pockets using your distraction.

  • Money changing trick

    The thief asks you to change a coin for him. He helps you search through your wallet or purse for the right coins, while removing your banknotes undetected.

  • cell phone theft trick

    The pickpocket usually uses a specific object to distract you and covers your cell phone/smartphone lying on the table so that he can steal it undetected.

  • Lifting trick

    The pickpocket spontaneously lifts you to estimate your weight. While lifting, he takes the valuables from the back pockets.

  • Hotel trick

    Pickpockets go into hotel restaurants and steal valuables or handbags from hotel guests who have left their bags at the table while they are busy going to the breakfast buffet. They also steal hand luggage left by hotel guests in reception and lobby areas.

  • Stalker trick

    The pickpocket observes you at the ATM in the bank and spies the pin number of your cash card. He or an accomplice then steals the withdrawn cash and the cash card in order to make further unauthorized withdrawals from the ATM.

  • Restaurant trick

    The thief backs his chair directly up to your seat back where you have hung your jacket or handbag. He then lifts his own jacket and uses it to cover the removal of valuables from your jacket or bag.

  • Escalator trick

    The thief hits the emergency button on an escalator so that it stops suddenly. Taking advantage of the confusion, you are pushed by the second and/or third accomplice and robbed.

  • Key theft trick

    This method is mainly used in middle-class residential areas. While one pickpocket steals your keys to the apartment unnoticed, a second pickpocket enters the victim’s apartment with the key and steals cash and valuables. One of the pickpockets then passes the keys back to you or leaves you at the crime scene.

  • Jewelry trick

    The pickpocket exchanges your real gold jewelry worn on the body for fake jewelry. The pickpocket approaches you and asks for information (e.g. directions to the nearest hospital). In return, he puts a chain around your neck or wrist. At the same time, he removes your real jewelry. The theft of the real jewelry is often not noticed by the victim until later.

  • Donation trick

    Often several accomplices will solicit cash donations for a fictitious organisation using a false donations list. While you are distracted by the list, they rob you.

  • Sports and soccer trick

    The pickpocket approaches you and starts talking about sports. He shows you typical martial arts or soccer tricks without being asked. He seeks physical proximity and deliberately touches you by placing his legs between your legs or hooking his legs into yours. The pickpocket uses the moment of distraction to steal valuables.

  • City map trick

    The pickpocket has a map and stops you to ask for directions. While you are focussing on the map and providing directions, he robs you.

  • Supermarket trick

    Pickpockets go into supermarkets and inconspicuously select customers who have attached their purse or bag to the shopping cart. At a favorable moment, he reaches into the bag and steals your wallet. Or another pickpocket approaches you and asks for help in finding a particular item. This distraction is used by another pickpocket to steal the wallet. The theft is then often only noticed at the checkout.

  • Bag carrier trick

    The pickpocket politely offers his help to carry your shopping bag when coming home from shopping. You willingly give him the bag, which usually also contains the wallet. The pickpocket carries the bag to the desired door and steals the wallet.

Tricks as images in pdf format

  • Jostling Trick - German - English

    PDF-Document (1.2 MB)

  • The Restaurant Trick - German - English

    PDF-Document (1.5 MB)

  • Defiler Trick - German - English

    PDF-Document (1.4 MB)

  • Supermarket Trick - German - English

    PDF-Document (1.0 MB)

  • The City Map Trick - German - English

    PDF-Document (1.2 MB)

  • Stalker Trick - German - English

    PDF-Document (2.6 MB)

  • Outsmart Smartphone Thieves - German - English

    PDF-Document (1020.5 kB)

  • Pickpockets make use of crowds - German - English

    PDF-Document (1.9 MB)

  • Pickpockets make use of your carelessness - German - English

    PDF-Document (1.3 MB)

Current methods

Masking trick to the detriment of car drivers: pickpockets usually hold a city map in their hands and approach the passenger side of a vehicle that is stuck in a traffic jam or has stopped due to a red light. While the driver opens the window, the pickpocket leans into the passenger compartment and uses the map to cover valuables placed on the passenger seat or center console. He then steals the valuables under the map undetected by the driver.

How to protect yourself

Only take essential cash and valuables with you.
Carry your valuables as close to your body as possible. Inner jacket pockets, front trouser pockets or breast pockets and bum bags are suitable.
Handbags and shoulder bags should always be carried with the zipper side facing your body.
Always keep your handbags and backpacks closed and never leave them unattended.
In crowds, backpacks should always be carried at your front.
Do not show large sums of cash. Be particularly careful when and after withdrawing money.

Download information

  • Flyer Pickpockets German - English

    PDF-Document (723.3 kB)

  • Flyer Pickpockets German - spanish

    PDF-Document (723.8 kB)

  • Flyer Pickpockets German - turkish

    PDF-Document (756.9 kB)

  • Flyer Pickpockets German - polish

    PDF-Document (719.6 kB)

  • Flyer Pickpockets German - French

    PDF-Document (723.7 kB)

  • Flyer Pickpockets German - Italian

    PDF-Document (722.7 kB)

  • Flyer Pickpockets German - Russian

    PDF-Document (757.5 kB)

  • Poster - Attention Pickpockets; German-English

    PDF-Document (230.5 kB)

  • Poster - Open your eyes, close your bag

    PDF-Document (158.5 kB)

  • Poster - Pickpockets love to party - at your expense!

    PDF-Document (2.9 MB)

What to do if you become a victim

In any case, report it to the police. In Berlin, you can do this around the clock at any police station or online via the German internet police service.
In addition to reporting the theft, you should also take further steps to prevent possible consequential damage such as:

Loss of credit or debit cards

If you lose your credit or debit card, you should have your cards blocked immediately (for example by calling the new nationwide number 116 116). You should also note down corresponding numbers for all the credit cards you have and keep them separately – outside of your wallet. The credit card companies will ask for the numbers.

Loss of identification papers

If you have lost your identification papers, such as identity card, passport, driving license and/or vehicle registration certificate, you can find further information at

Lost your cell phone?

The Baden-Württemberg consumer advice center has compiled a list of steps you should take if your cell phone has been stolen. E.g. blocking the SIM card, so that the thief cannot make calls at your expense. You should make a note of the IMEI number of your cell phone (key code: star-rhombus-zero-six-rhombus), which is needed not only for blocking but also for initiating a police search. In most cases, this is 15 digits long and usually begins with a 3 or 4 on German cell phones.
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