Raum für Beteiligung Tempelhof-Schöneberg (en)

Where, when, and how does participation take place in Tempelhof-Schöneberg? The Raum für Beteiligung Tempelhof-Schöneberg team is available to answer questions concerning participation.

The team:
  • informs and advises on participation opportunities in Tempelhof-Schöneberg
  • provides information on the district guidelines for citizen participation (“Leitlinien für Bürger_innenbeteiligung in Tempelhof-Schöneberg”)
  • compiles, maintains, and publishes the district projects list
  • provides assistance in proposing participation
  • acts as the interface between the administration and civil society
Personen von hinten. Sprechblase aus Papier mit Frage "Wo und wie kann ich mich beteiligen?"

News on participation in Tempelhof-Schöneberg

Discover the latest information on upcoming events around participation here. More information

Drachen steigen über dem Tempelhofer Feld auf

The Raum für Beteiligung for you near you

Website currently under revision More information

Baustellenschild mit dem Hinweis Demnächst mehr

Team: Meet our team

Website currently under revision

Anlaufstelle - Leitlinien

Guidelines for the participation of citizens in Tempelhof-Schöneberg

The introduction of the guidelines by the district office has created a binding framework for participation. More information

Vorhabenliste quer

Projects list: What is happening in the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district?

The district is developing through many ways: planning, construction, and participation. More information

Vielfältige Menschen bei einem Treffen in einem Raum

Proposing participation. This is how it’s done.

You can propose participation in projects for which no participation is planned. More information