Proposing participation. This is how it’s done.

Vielfältige Menschen bei einem Treffen in einem Raum

In the projects list, you can see the projects for which the administration plans participation and those for which no participation is planned.
You can propose informal participation for projects for those the administration not have planned participation yet. Also, it is possible to propose additional informal participation for projects with legally required (formal) participation. Furthermore, projects that are not yet on the projects list can be proposed to be listed and, if necessary, participation can be proposed.

If participation is proposed, the administration examines the application and makes a decision. If the proposal is approved, a participation process is carried out in accordance with the guidelines. Rejected proposals will be justified in a written statement.
The Raum für Beteiligung team offers a comprehensive explanation on how to propose participation.

  • You find the form for the participation proposal here

    (in German, barrier-free)

    PDF-Document (84.5 kB) - As of: 2023
    Document: AG URBAN