Current language: English
Deep Tech Header 2024


In our blog, you’ll receive exciting insights from the Deep Tech hub in Berlin and learn about fascinating innovations in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Web3: DLT; Blockchain, NFT & Metaverse; Sustainable & Social Impact; Robotics, as well as Photonics & Quantum Technologies related to the Deep Tech Award.

The latest articles

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Jury Voices: Social & Sustainable Impact

Reading time: 2 minutes // Jochen Schiller, Dr. Peter Udo Diehl and Geraldine de Bastion are particularly interested in entries that combine technological innovation and social benefit. Find out what criteria they look for. Jury Voices: Social & Sustainable Impact

Deep Tech Talk mit Crocus Labs Teaser EN

Deep Tech Talk: An Interview with Crocus Labs GmbH

Reading time: 10 minutes // Discover more about how Crocus Labs GmbH is advancing the status quo of indoor lighting through photonics and quantum technologies and about its visions for Berlin as a global technology centre in this interview. Deep Tech Talk: An Interview with Crocus Labs GmbH

Blue Skies Mineral Teaser EN

Deep Tech Talk: An Interview with Blue Skies Minerals

Reading time: 10 minutes // In this interview highlights Blue Skies Minerals GmbH highlights their innovative ClimateTech solution for sustainable mining, and their aspirations to make a significant ecological impact while emphasizing the importance of ambition, honesty, and perseverance for young entrepreneurs. Learn more! Deep Tech Talk: An Interview with Blue Skies Minerals

DeepTechTalk Interview with Valid Technologies

Deep Tech Talk: An Interview with Valid Technologies GmbH

Reading Time: 10 Minutes // In this interviews Valid Technologies shares insights into their mission against disinformation, the motivation behind their innovative validation solution, and insights into Berlin's tech ecosystem. Discover more! Deep Tech Talk: An Interview with Valid Technologies GmbH

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New Deep Tech Hub strengthens Berlin's position as a leading technology center

Reading time: 10 minutes // A new Deep Tech Hub in Berlin is promoting the development of ground-breaking technologies by connecting research, start-ups and investors. The initiative, supported by Berlin's Senator for Economics Franziska Giffey and partners such as MotionLab.Berlin, aims to strengthen Berlin's position as a leading deep tech center. New Deep Tech Hub strengthens Berlin's position as a leading technology center

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Jury Voices: Artificial Intelligence

Reading time: 2 minutes // AI is more than just technology; it involves innovative concepts and diverse teams. At the 2024 Deep Tech Award, jury members Fabian Westerheide, Theresa Züger and Franziska Weindauer provide their assessments of AI projects that aim to impact society. Jury Voices: Artificial Intelligence