You don't speak any German? We can help!

The Mitte District Office can support you in different ways to achieve better communication.


Telephone Translation Service

Do you need a translation or a language mediation service? Talk to your social worker or a member of the admin team about this. Everyone who works in the district office can use the telephone interpreting service, which provides real-time translations into many languages. If the translation you require cannot be done in real time, then you can arrange an appointment. This service is available to you free of charge.

Tafel mit Sprachenangeboten

Language Mediation in the Health Service

Do you need language mediation or a translation in the health service? Everyone who works in the public health office has access to language mediation by face-to-face appointment or telephone. This service provides language mediation in Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Kurdish and many other languages – roughly 30 in total If you require the language mediation service, contact a member of the admin team. This service is available to you free of charge.

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'The Bridge' („die brücke“) Support Guides

The guides will support you in filling out application documents and in finding your way around Berlin. They will also look after you in appointments at the district office and provide language assistance. The guides are on site at the Refugee Citizens’ Office in the district office. This service is available to you free of charge.

Multilingual brochures with key points of contact are available to refugees in the Mitte District Office

In this brochure, you will find the key points of contact and services provided by the district office. This brochure is available in English, Russian, Bulgarian, French, Farsi, Romanian, Arabic, Polish, Turkish and Kurdish and is free to download.

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#NeuinMitte Facebook groups

In two Facebook groups, two members of staff provide information; one in Arabic and the other in Dari, Farsi and Pashto. For example, they share the services provided by the specialist offices in the Mitte district, from social agencies, associations and voluntary initiatives.

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The Mitte District Integration Office

The team at the Integration Office will be happy to assist you if you are looking for foreign-language advice centres in the district.
The team is happy to receive questions, comments or suggestions regarding the services provided
by the Mitte District Office mentioned above. You can also contact the team if you have experienced discrimination at the Mitte District Office.