Guide for Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Menschengruppe hält Schildmit Beschriftungen

Welcome you to Marzahn-Hellersdorf!

In the beginning you will have many questions, such as:

  • Where can I take part in a German class?
  • Who can help me looking for an apartment?
  • Who can help me looking for a place to work?
  • What leisure activities are there?
  • Who do I turn to for questions regarding health?

This guide will give you answers to these questions. You will get an overview of all that is on offer in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. There is a lot to discover. Our colleagues working at the public office are available and on hand with help and advice.

Our neighbourhood is a place of diversity, in which people feel at home. I would like to invite you to take advantage of all the possibilities available. Help us by contributing and enriching our diversity. I wish you all the best, hope that you quickly settle in and that you find the brochure helpful. Have fun reading it!

Housing and Living
Nursery, Education and Language
Health Care and Social Affairs
Work and Apprenticeships
Leisure and Culture
Other Points of Contact
Important Telephone Numbers
  • Guide for Marzahn-Hellersdorf

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