General terms and conditions

1. General

The online shop with e-payment is an additional channel of distribution of Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten (LABO Berlin) for internal and foreign customers to order an environmental zone sticker (§§ 2 and 3, 35. BimSchV of 10.10.2006, BGBl. I page 2218, last change with VO of 01.03.2007, BGBl. I page 2793) quickly and uncomplicated with payment methods credit card, giropay and prepayment. In case of payment with credit card or giropay the sticker can be send out immediately after payment. In case of prepayment the application will be finished by LABO Berlin after incoming of payment.

This channel of distribution exists in addition to the other ways for ordering the environmental zone sticker at the offices for car registration, the technical control organizations and some garages.

2. Declaration of consent

To use the online shop it is necessary to accept the proceeding and the needed data storage by setting a hook in the respective checkbox. If the applicant doesn’t want to give this declaration of consent, he can leave the process by clicking the abort-button.

3. Fees

The fee for the issue of an environmental zone sticker is 5 EUR and additionally expenses of 1 EUR for postage and packing. Fees and additionally expenses must be paid before the sticker can be sending out.

By using this channel of distribution there is no proportionally payback of fees in according to § 5 (1) Umweltgebührenordnung (UGebO) in case the sticker cannot be issued. The user of this online shop abandoned his claims in according to § 5 (1) UGebO because of simplification and increasing the process. The applicant has the option to check on internet-page „Umweltzonen und Feinstaubplaketten“, which kind of sticker he can get for his vehicle. Also he has the option to order the sticker directly at the offices for car registration. There are no fees in case of refusal.

4. Methods of payment

Credit card

MasterCard and VISA-Cards will be accepted.


Condition precedent to use this method of payment is a bank account at Postbank, Sparkasse or Raiffeisen- or Volksbank with online-banking-service. If this option is chosen, the user will be forwarded to his own online-banking-site. This transaction will be concluded by entering a TAN.


The fees can transfer directly as well. The application will be finished by LABO Berlin after incoming of payment on the named bank account. If that will not be within 30 days, the application forfeits and the data will be deleted.

Important advice

Please note that especially in case of tranfers from foreign countries additional fees can accrued. Please ask your bank for the amount of such fees.

5. Data protection and assurance

The Internet-Sites of are pursued by BerlinOnline Stadtportal GmbH & Co KG (BerlinOnline).
The payment form Saferpay is provided by SIX Card Solutions AG . It is certificated on PCI-standard.

BerlinOnline stores no information about credit cards, bank accounts and addresses over and above the transaction process.
In case of prepayment the address data to finish the application will be storage for 30 days. After incoming of payment within this time or after expiration of this time limit, the data will be made anonymous.
Data exchange is completely encoded during the order process. The information cannot been read by unauthorized persons.