„My journey with vhs began in 2021 when my MBSR: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher dear Wolfgang Schröder introduced me to Frau Christine Bartels of vhs-Berlin to explore possibilities of teaching MBSR in Turkish at vhs Mitte. In 2020 I founded my platform Orca Dreams: Platform for Mindful Living, with which I offer trainings and consultations to individuals and institutions on holistic health and mindfulness. In the same year, I received my MBSR Teachers Certificate from IMA: Institut für Achtsamkeit. During Covid closedown, I started teaching MBSR online. Then in 2021, with the support of dear Christine Bartels and later dear Tanja Waldeck, I opened the MBSR in Turkisch course at VHS Mitte at Turmstrasse 75. This was the first Turkish MBSR Kurse of Germany. It made news in the MBSR-MBCT Verband to which I belong.
I am very honored and happy to see that individuals in Berlin can experience mindfulness in their mothertongues. For these practices, it is important that individuals feel the connection to the words and concepts which is more intimate and heart-felt if the language supports this.
Since 2021, I have been working both at vhs Mitte and at vhs Friedrichschain-Kreuzberg.”