Senate Department for Higher Education and Research, Health and Long-Term Care

  • Dienstgebäude Warschauer Str. der Senatskanzlei - Wissenschaft und Forschung


    Welcome to the English-language website of the Senate Department for Higher Education and Research.

    More information Image: Senatskanzlei/Hofmann
  • International outlook

    International students, PhD candidates, junior scientists, and professors find excellent research and teaching here, and there is extensive collaboration between the countless and diverse university and non-university institutions

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  • Integration of refugees

    In Berlin people of different worldviews, cultural backgrounds, origins, and religions live together and study together. Information for refugees who might want to enroll in a college or university is available here.

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  • Recognition of academic degrees

    Have you earned an academic degree abroad and would like to know whether the degree is recognized in Germany or whether you can use your academic title here?

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English-language website

This English-language version of the Senate Department for Higher Education and Research’s website is meant to provide orientation and information to the many international Berliners, visitors, and those interested in Berlin’s academic and scientific landscape.

We appreciate your understanding that not all pages are available in English.

Please also note that English translations are provided for your information only. Any legal action must be based on the German original.

Rotes Rathaus


Guidelines, funding, university development and contracts, equal opportunities, excellence, international affairs and more - find out about the central topics of Berlin's science and research policy. More information

Karte der Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen der Brain City Berlin


Berlin is one of the most diverse and vibrant science locations in Europe. Top international research takes place at numerous universities and non-university research institutions. More information

Studierende im Hörsaal

University studies

Information and numerous further links for students and prospective students, including on the topics of admission, study programs and BAföG. More information

Sechs Kugeln aus Chrom kreisförmig mit einer roten Kugel in der Mitte angeordnet

About us

Information on the management of the Science and Research departments and the most important contact persons. More information

Statistische Aufbereitung auf Blatt mit Kugelschreiber und einem Tablet darüber liegend


Information on higher education law, reports and statistics, including university performance reports and comparisons of equipment, costs and performance. More information

Senate Department for Higher Education and Research, Health and Long-Term Care

Departments Higher Education and Research

Warschauer Str. 41/42
10243 Berlin


Berlin has one of the largest concentrations of higher education and research institutions in Europe. People from all over the world teach, do research, work, and study at our four universities, the Charité – Universitätsmedizin medical school, art colleges, private colleges, and universities of applied sciences, as well as at our many non-university research institutes.