This English-language audioguide takes visitors through the “zurückGESCHAUT” exhibition at the Museum Treptow, which opened in 2017 and focuses on the “First German Colonial Exhibition” of 1896 in the Treptower Park. “zurückGESCHAUT” is the first permanent exhibition in Germany to critically deal with German colonialism in a public institution. It was created in close cooperation with Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland ISD and Berlin Postkolonial.
The audioguide is the result of a collaboration of Museen Treptow-Köpenick and Berlin Postkolonial e.V. and has been produced during the project “Breaking the Silence – Commemorating the End of Germany’s Colonial Empire 100 Years ago”.
We like to thank Yasmina Lehmkuhl, Mnyaka Sururu Mboro, Christian Diaz Orejanery, Lisa Schubert, Marlene Steinmassl, Mara Stirner, Julian Trostorf, Miriam Trostorf, Moro Yapha und Christian Kopp and the great speaker Sharon Dodua Otoo.