Individual sections of the Wall; a preserved watchtower

Erhaltener Wachturm Erna-Berger-Straße

There are only a few reminders of the former border fortifications here, such as the Wall segments found on Stresemannstrasse; these were part of the inner wall and were not painted until after the Wall fell. The new home of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Protection will be built here soon, and these sections of the Wall are to be removed during the construction phase. They will be reinstalled on the lower level of the building once it has been completed and will be accessible to the public.

A watchtower(Externer Link) (model BT-11) on Erna-Berger-Strasse has also been preserved. It, too, was moved a few meters to make way for new construction. Several individual segments of the Wall have been set up on Potsdamer Platz and Leipziger Platz, although not at their own original location, to mark the course of the inner and outer walls. The “no man’s land” between the two walls was several hundred meters wide here.