Memorial for Günter Litfin

Günter Litfin

Günter Litfin

On 24 August 1961, Günter Litfin was shot and killed by members of the transport police as he attempted to flee to West Berlin. He became the first victim of shots fired at the border between East and West Berlin after the Wall went up on 13 August 1961. This memorial was established in memory of Günter Litfin and of all the other victims of the SED regime who were killed or injured on the GDR border.

Wachturm Kieler Straße

Former Watchtower

The memorial was initiated by private citizens at the site of a former command post of GDR border troops and is maintained by an organization founded by the brother of Günter Litfin.

A pedestrian and bicycle path runs from the memorial along the Spandauer Schifffahrtskanal and across the historic cemetery Invalidenfriedhof to the former border crossing at Invalidenstrasse. This path continues on the other side of Invalidenstrasse along Alexanderufer, where a memorial stone for Günter Litfin and a Berlin History Mile info board have been put up near the water south of the railway bridge.


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Link zeigt: Orte-Markierungen Memorial for Günter Litfin

Link zeigt: Orte-Markierungen Memorial stone for Günter Litfin

Link zeigt: Orte-Markierungen Berlin Wall History Mile Günter Litfin, Alexanderufer

Link zeigt: Orte-Markierungen Remains of the Wall at the cemetery Invalidenfriedhof