With the Energy Hardship Assistance (KMU-Energiehärtefallhilfe Berlin), the state supports small and medium-sized businessess and self-employed persons that have not been covered by federal relief programs to date. A total of 252 million euros is available for this purpose. The energy hardship assistance is a lump-sum payment amounting to 90% of the energy costs paid in 2022, which exceeded the energy price increase by a factor of 1.5 in 2021. A de minimis limit of 3,000 euros applies. The maximum grant is 300,000 euros.
The assistance is aimed at Berlin’s small and medium-sized businesses, non-profit companies, associations engaged in entrepreneurial activities, solo self-employed persons and freelancers who use energy sources such as electricity, gas, district heating, oil, wood pellets, coal or liquid gas and are demonstrably subject to particular economic hardship due to high energy costs.
The application process is currently being prepared and will be submitted online soon on the website of Investitionsbank Berlin.