Current language: English

Visa for the subsequent immigration of spouses, parents and children

Familie mit 2 kleinen Kindern sitzt mit einem Globus auf dem Sofa

Visa for spouses, parents and children of German family members
Visa for spouses and children of foreign family members
Visa for family members of refugees after an asylum procedure

General information on family reunification in Germany

The visa procedure operates as follows:
  1. The visa application must be submitted to the German foreign mission (embassy or general consulate) in the country of origin before the applicant enters Germany.
  2. The foreign mission will receive the visa application and forward it to the Foreigners’ Registration Office.
  3. On the basis of the documents submitted and further checks, the Foreigners’ Registration Office will issue a response to the foreign mission.
  4. The foreign mission will then decide whether or not to issue the visa.

The provisions stated below for reunification with spouses in Germany apply accordingly to same-sex life partnerships.
Special provisions apply to adoption procedures.

Visa for spouses, parents and children of German family members

What do you need to bear in mind before a foreign national enters Germany to join their German spouse?

If the marriage was established abroad, the German foreign mission (embassy or general consulate) must confirm its validity. The marriage must be legally valid in Germany.

In any case, the following must be submitted with the application:

  • National passport
  • Passport photographs
  • Marriage certificate, and
  • Copy of the spouse’s ID card.

Depending on each individual case, further documents may be required.

Since 28 August 2007, simple German language skills have been a mandatory requirement. Foreign nationals must prove that they have these skills to the German foreign mission, which will also provide information on exceptions to this rule, and about opportunities to acquire these skills abroad.

Because the provisions for reunification with a German are different from those for reunification with a foreign national, the Foreigners’ Registration Office will once again check whether the spouse is a German national.
In individual cases, the foreign mission may also ask the Foreigners’ Registration Office to carry out further investigations. In this case, the Foreigners’ Registration Office will then contact the German spouse with further questions.

What do you need to bear in mind before a foreign child enters Germany to join their German parent?

The following preconditions must be met:

  • Both parents, or one parent with custody of the child, must be German nationals or a German national respectively
  • The child must be an unmarried minor

The following documents must be submitted with the application to the German foreign mission (embassy or general consulate):

  • The child’ valid national passport
  • One passport photograph that complies with the passport photograph guidelines in German law
  • The child’s birth certificate
  • Proof of sole custody if the child is joining only one parent

Depending on each individual case, further documents may be required.

After the visa application has been received, the Foreigners’ Registration Office will send the parents living here a written summons with an appointment, and at the same time it will let them know which documents they still need to bring with them. On the basis of the documents submitted, a response will be issued to the foreign mission.

What do you need to bear in mind before a foreign parent enters Germany to join their German child?

The following preconditions must be met:

  • Both parents, or the parent coming to Germany, must have custody of the German child.
  • The German child must be an unmarried minor.

The following documents must be submitted with the application to the German foreign mission (embassy or general consulate):

  • The child’s valid German passport or child’s ID card
  • The national passport of the parent joining the child
  • One passport photograph that complies with the passport photograph guidelines in German law
  • Proof of sole custody or of joint custody with the other parent

Depending on each individual case, further documents may be required.

Visa for spouses and children of foreign family members

When is family reunification possible in Germany?

Foreign nationals who reside in Germany with a residence title may bring over foreign spouses, as well as foreign children who are unmarried minors.
Family reunification is not possible for asylum seekers who are not yet recognized as being entitled to asylum or as refugees.
Family reunification may be excluded for other reasons in individual cases.

What do you have to bear in mind for a spouse to enter Germany?

The preconditions for reunification with a spouse in Germany are generally as follows:

  • Both spouses must be at least 18 years old.
  • The spouse coming to Germany must have simple German language skills. The foreign mission (embassy or general consulate) will provide information on exceptions to this rule, and about opportunities to acquire these skills abroad.
  • The spouse living in Germany must generally have held a valid residence title for two years.
  • The spouse coming to Germany must hold a valid national passport.
  • There must be no grounds for expulsion of the spouse coming to Germany. If the spouse has been expelled or deported in the past, it is first necessary to apply for a time limitation of the resulting entry ban.
  • There must be sufficient living space. To be sufficient, the available living space needs only to be enough to accommodate one person seeking accommodation in a public social rented apartment.
  • Subsistence must be ensured. A foreign national’s subsistence is ensured if they can afford it, including adequate health insurance, without making use of public funds. In order to calculate whether subsistence is ensured, it is necessary to submit proof of net income.
    • People in gainful employment with an employer can prove this by submitting a copy of their current employment contract, confirmation from their employer that their employment has not been terminated, and their last three payslips (six payslips if they previously claimed SGB II, ALG II or SGB XII benefits).
    • Self-employed people shall prove their income over the last three years, or at least for the last six months, in the form of an audit report drawn up by a tax accountant, auditor or tax agent.
  • Proof of legally valid marriage must be submitted to the Foreigners’ Registration Office or the foreign mission. This marriage must also be valid in Germany. Marriages under tribal law or other marriages with non-state accreditation cannot be recognized and do not make reunification with a spouse in Germany possible.

Depending on each individual case, further documents may be required.

After the visa application has been received, the Foreigners’ Registration Office will send the spouse living in Germany a written invitation with an appointment, and at the same time it will let them know which documents they still need to bring with them. On the basis of the documents submitted, a response will be issued to the foreign mission.

What do you need to bear in mind for children to enter Germany in order to join foreign nationals?

The following preconditions must be met:

  • Both parents, or the parent with sole custody, must hold a valid residence title.
  • The child must be an unmarried minor.
  • There must be sufficient living space.
  • Subsistence must be ensured. A foreign national’s subsistence is ensured if they can afford it, including adequate health insurance, without making use of public funds.

The following documents must be submitted to the German foreign mission (embassy or general consulate) with the application:

  • The child’s valid national passport * One passport photograph that complies with the passport photograph guidelines in German law
  • The child’s birth certificate
  • Lease for the living space
  • Proof of net income to calculate whether subsistence is ensured
    • People in gainful employment with an employer can prove this by submitting a copy of their current employment contract, confirmation from their employer that their employment has not been terminated, and their last three payslips (six payslips if they previously claimed SGB II, ALG II or SGB XII benefits).
    • Self-employed people shall prove their income over the last three years, or at least for the last six months, in the form of an audit report drawn up by a tax accountant, auditor or tax agent.
  • Proof of sole custody if the child intends to join only one parent in Germany

After the visa application has been received, the Foreigners’ Registration Office will send the parents living here a written summons with an appointment, and at the same time it will let them know which documents they still need to bring with them. On the basis of the documents submitted, a response will be issued to the foreign mission.

Visa for family members of refugees after an asylum procedure

Special arrangements apply to family reunification for refugees, especially those from Iraq and Syria: Further information

(Family reunification is not possible for asylum seekers who have not yet been recognised as being entitled to asylum or as refugees or who have not yet been granted subsidiary protection.)