Other courses in the area of German as a foreign/second language.


Program Area Management

Birgitt Cleuvers

Tel.: (030) 902 77-69 90

General courses for people who want to train and improve their language competence or individual skills and who have the German language skills listed in the respective course description.

Course overview

  • Courses at a fast learning pace A1 to C1
  • Language courses B2, C1, C2
  • Phonetics, grammar, conversation, drama
  • What levels are there?

    There are different courses at all levels from A1 to C2.

  • How long do the courses last and what do they cost?

    The duration of the courses varies, there are short workshops and also courses over many weeks.
    One lesson costs at least 2,50€. (as of December 2021)

  • When and where do the courses take place?

    The courses usually take place in the afternoon or evening at different learning locations in the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district.

  • Is there an exam and do I have to pay for the textbook?

    If a textbook is required, you will have to buy the textbook yourself. You will receive more detailed information on the first day of the course. Whether a course ends with an examination depends on the specific course.

  • How can I register?

    Most courses require prior counselling and, if necessary, a placement test.
    Please call our telephone counselling service and make an appointment for a personal conversation about the German courses offered and your registration.

    Some courses can also be booked without counselling.

  • Why is counselling important?

    During the counselling you can find out with the counsellors which courses are suitable for you and what your language level is so that you can participate successfully and with pleasure in the course.

All courses of the programme area German as a Foreign Language