Courses for migrants

Program Area Management

Birgitt Cleuvers

Tel.: (030) 902 77-69 90

Courses for migrants have had a permanent place at the Volkshochschule Tempelhof-Schöneberg for many years.

In addition to the publicly funded language courses, there is a diverse range of open German courses in which individual skills are trained or special topics are dealt with.

Schriftzug Welcome in verschiedenen Sprachen

Consultation and Registration for German courses

The Berlin Adult Education Centres offer a level programme for language learning. Counselling is therefore almost always necessary before registering for a German course. More information


Integration courses for immigrants

State-subsidised German courses with target level B1: imparting language skills for coping with everyday life in Germany. More information

LOGO BAMF Berufssprachkurse

German on the job

Specialist language courses in the field of nursing | training in professional writing More information

Piktogramm Refugees Welcome

German courses for refugees

Courses from literacy to language level B1: for refugees | asylum seekers | persons with a residence permit for humanitarian reasons without access to integration courses or other language courses. More information

Logo für Eltern-Mütter-Kurse der Berliner vhsen

German courses for mothers and parents

Courses from literacy to language level C1 for parents who want to learn German while their children are being cared for or in school. More information

Bleistift und Radiergummi auf Notizblock

Literacy courses

Courses for people with a mother tongue other than German who cannot read and write Latin letters or can only read and write very few Latin letters. More information


Other courses in the area of German as a foreign/second language.

Language courses at a fast learning pace + courses at intermediate and advanced levels (B2 to C2): exam training | phonetics | conversation | drama, art, literature, environment More information