G.E.O.S. Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Halsbrücke, 2019:
Bericht Erstellung einer Karte über die Wasserdurchlässigkeit des Untergrundes des Landes Berlin [Report on developing a hydraulic permeability map of the subsurface of the State of Berlin].
HGC Hydro-Geo-Consult GmbH, Halsbrücke, 2018:
Kurzbericht Aktualisierung der 12 Karten zum geothermischen Potenzial in Berlin [Short report on updating 12 maps on the geothermal potential in Berlin].
SenGUV (Senate Department for Health, the Environment and Consumer Protection) (ed.) 2011:
Potenzialstudie zur Nutzung der Geothermischen Ressourcen des Landes Berlin -Modul 2 -Ermittlung des geothermischen Potenzials und dessen Darstellung. [Study of the potential for using geothermal resources in the State of Berlin -Module 2 -ascertaining and representing geothermal potential].
DWA (2005):
Standard DWA-A 138: Planning, Construction and Operation of Facilities for the Percolation of Precipitation Water.
DWA (2006):
Standard DWA-A 100: Guidelines of Integrated Urban Drainage (IUD).
STEP-Klima konkret:
Klimaanpassung in der Wachsenden Stadt [Climate adaptation in the growing city] (2016), Berlin.
Stadt Hamburg, Behörde für Umwelt und Energie [Ministry for the Environment and Energy]:
Grundwasser-Planungskarte Versickerungspotentialkarte [Groundwater planning map on percolation potential], 2018.
www.hamburg.de/versickerungspotential [only in German]
(Accessed on 20 September 2019)
Drucksache des Abgeordnetenhauses 18/0212 und 18/0447 [Printed Matter of the House of Representatives of Berlin 18/0212 and 18/0447]:
STEP-Klima konkret, BWG Article 36a, WHG Articles 46, 47 and 55 Para. 2, DWA-A-100
SenStadt (Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin) 1990:
Karte der Versickerungsfähigkeit oberflächig anstehender Lockergesteine; einzelne Blattschnitte [Map on the percolation capacity of loose rock at the surface], ~1990
SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin) (ed.) 2016:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, updated and revised edition, Map 02.20 Expected Mean Highest Groundwater Level (EMGHL), 1 : 50,000, Berlin.
SenStadt Wohnen (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing Berlin) (ed.) 2017a:
Berlin Environmental Atlas Map 01.15 Engineer’s Geological Map (Edition 2017)\
SenStadtWohn (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing Berlin) 2017b:
ATKIS DGM 10, Official Topographical Cartographical Information System -Digital Terrain Model 1 : 1,000.
SenStadtWohn (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing Berlin) (ed.) 2018a:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, updated edition, Map 02.18 Geothermal Potential, 1 : 50,000, Berlin.
SenStadtWohn (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing Berlin) (ed.) 2018b:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, updated and revised edition, Map 02.19 Expected Highest Groundwater Level (EHGL), 1 : 50,000, Berlin.