Traffic Volumes ADT 1998


Traffic still represents the crucial burden factor of the urban environment. Its numerical development is observed by regular traffic investigations. Responsible for these counts on highways, national highways as well as the remaining main road network is the ministry for urban development in Berlin. The current data refer to the year 1998 and update the values of the preceding count of 1993. Based on a high comparability of the data bases and methods you can look for further explications look at the map text of the edition 1995. The following overviews compare both periods. There is an increase of the total yearly-driving-performance by after all approximately 325 million km (= 3.2 percent of the yearly-driving-performance 1993 of total approximately 10.25 bil. km). In this period of 5 years the share of higher burdened streets increased. Streets with inferior traffic burden decreased accordingly (see table 1 and 2).

Tab. 1: Traffic load (ADT), route length (km) and mileage (km/day) in the main road network in 1993

Tab. 2: Traffic load (ADT), route length (km) and mileage (km/day) in the main road network in 1998/99

The main burden focuses still on the bigger highways and parkways. An all-European top value is gained with approximately 216.000 vehicles/24 h in the area of the highway triangle Funkturm in 1998. The continual replace of high-emitting cars through pollutant-reduced leads to a decreasing pollution in spite of the increasing driving-performance. However many traffic caused problems like particles from tyres, the noise burdens as well as the enormous surface demand of the recumbent and driving traffic remain as serious impairment of the urban life quality.