Soil-Scientific Characteristic Values 2020


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Download: [only in German]
(Accessed on 8 February 2023)

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(Download-PDF; 1,2 MB) [only in German]

Gerstenberg, J. H., 2013:
Erstellung von Karten zur Bewertung der Bodenfunktionen [Preparing maps for the evaluation of soil functions], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Berlin 2013.
(Download-PDF, 1,3 MB) [only in German]

Gerstenberg, J. H. 2015:
Erstellung von Karten zur Bewertung der Bodenfunktionen [Preparing maps for the evaluation of soil functions], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Berlin 2015.
(Download-PDF, 2,9 MB) [only in German]

Gerstenberg, J. H. 2017:
Erstellung von Karten zur Bewertung der Bodenfunktionen [Preparing maps for the evaluation of soil functions], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing, Berlin 2017.
(Download-PDF, 2,1 MB) [only in German]

Gerstenberg, J. H., Kröcher, J., Knöll, P., Thelemann, M. 2024:
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(Download-PDF, 8,0 MB) [only in German]

Grenzius, R. 1987:
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IPCC 2000:
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Kaufmann-Boll, C., Köhne, J., Wagenknecht, A. 2023:
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(Download-PDF, 6,3 MB) [only in German]

Klingenfuß, C., Möller, D., Heller, C., Thrum, T., Köberich, K., Zeitz, J. 2015:
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(Accessed on: 7 May 2019)

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Schlichting, E., Blume, H.-P., Stahr, K. 1995:
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Schwermetalluntersuchungsprogramm 1986, 1987:
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