Soil Functions 2020


BBodSchG 1998:
Bundes-Bodenschutzgesetz vom 17. März 1998 (BGBl. I S. 502), das zuletzt durch Artikel 7 des Gesetzes vom 25. Februar 2021 (BGBl. I S. 306) geändert worden ist [Federal Soil Protection Act from March 17, 1998 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 502), last amended by Article 7 of the law of February 25, 2021, (Federal Law Gazette I p. 306)].

Damm, E. 2013:
Erfassungs- und Optimierungsmöglichkeiten des Kühlungspotenzials von Böden dargestellt an ausgewählten Wohn- und Parkflächen der Stadt Bottrop [Data survey and optimisation possibilities concerning cooling potential of soils exemplified at selected residential and park areas in the city of Bottrop].
(Download-PDF 9,7 MB) [only in German]

Deiwick, B., Zeisler, H., Gerstenberg, J. H., Siewert W. 2023:
Entwicklung eines Konzeptes zur Abschätzung / Quantifizierung der Bodenkühlleistung in Berlin (Projektbericht) [Development of a concept for assessing/ quantifying soil cooling capacity in Berlin (project report)], Berlin Senate Department for Urban Mobility, Transport, Climate Action and the Environment (ed.)
(Download-PDF, 4,5 MB)

Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen [State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection] (LANUV) 2015:
Kühlleistung von Böden, Leitfaden zur Einbindung in stadtklimatische Konzepte in NRW [Soil cooling capacity, guidelines for integration into urban climate concepts in North Rhine-Westphalia]. LANUV-Arbeitsblatt 29. [only in German]

Faensen-Thiebes, A., Goedecke, M. 2007:
Karten zur funktionalen Leistungsfähigkeit von Böden in Berlin [Maps evaluating the performance of soil functions in Berlin]. in: Bodenschutz No. 3, Berlin.

Gerstenberg, J. H., Smettan, U. 2001, 2005, 2009:
Erstellung von Karten zur Bewertung der Bodenfunktionen [Preparing maps for the evaluation of soil functions], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin 2001, 2005, 2009.
(Download-PDF; 1,2 MB) [only in German]

Gerstenberg, 2013:
Erstellung von Karten zur Bewertung der Bodenfunktionen, der Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, [Preparing maps for the evaluation of soil functions], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Berlin, 2013.
(Download-PDF; 1.3 MB) [only in German]

Gerstenberg, J. H. 2015:
Erstellung von Karten zur Bewertung der Bodenfunktionen, [Preparing maps for the evaluation of soil functions], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Berlin 2015.
(Download-PDF, 2.9 MB) [only in German]

Gerstenberg, J. H. 2017:
Erstellung von Karten zur Bewertung der Bodenfunktionen, [Preparing maps for the evaluation of soil functions], commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing, Berlin 2017.
(Download-PDF, 2,1 MB) [only in German]

Gerstenberg, J. H., Kröcher, J., Knöll, P., Thelemann, M. 2024:
Dokumentation der Bodendatenbank des Landes Berlin (Arbeitsbericht) [Documentation of the State of Berlin’s Soil Database (Working Report)], Berlin Senate Department for Urban Mobility, Transport, Climate Action and the Environment (ed.)
(Download-PDF, 8,0 MB) [only in German]

Grenzius, R. 1987:
Die Böden Berlins (West) [West Berlin soils], Dissertation, Technical University of Berlin.

Jessen-Hesse, V. 2002:
Vorsorgeorientierter Bodenschutz in der Raum- und Landschaftsplanung – Leitbilder und methodische Anforderungen, konkretisiert am Beispiel der Region Berlin-Brandenburg, [Precautionary soil protection in spatial and landscape planning: models and methodological requirements, illustrated by the example of the Berlin-Brandenburg region], BVB- Materialien, Vol. 9, Berlin 2002.

Lahmeyer International GmbH, 2000:
Bodenschutzkonzeption für das Land Berlin [Soil protection concept for the State of Berlin], Report on Phase II, Expert Report commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin; unpublished.


SenSBW (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing) (ed.) 2009:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Map 02.07 Depth to the Water Table, 2009, 1:50,000, Berlin.

SenSBW (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing) (ed.) 2020a:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Map 02.13.4 Percolation from precipitation without considering impervious coverage, 2022, 1:50,000, Berlin, unpublished.

SenSBW (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing) (ed.) 2020b:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Map 01.01 Soil Associations, 2020, 1 : 50.000, Berlin.

SenSBW (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing) (ed.) 2020d:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Map 01.06 Soil-Scientific Characteristic Values, 2020, 1:50,000, Berlin.

SenSBW (Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing) (ed.) 2020e:
Environmental Atlas Berlin, Map 04.08.1 Long-term Mean Precipitation Distribution 1991 – 2020, Berlin.