Planning Advice for Soil Protection 2015
Planning Advice for Soil Protection as Word document
Planning Advice for Soil Protection as PDF document
Documentation Soil Maps and Soil Data 2015 [only in German]
01.13 Planning Advice for Soil Protection
Fig. 1: Diagram to assign the category “maximum protection level”
Fig. 2: Diagram to assign the category "very high protection level"
Fig. 3: Diagram to assign the category "high protection level"
Fig. 4: Diagram to assign the category "medium protection level"
Fig. 5: Diagram to assign the category "low protection level"
Fig. 6: Proportions of areas reflecting their soil protection categories, by degree of impervious coverage (excl. streets and bodies of water)
Fig. 6: Proportions of areas reflecting their soil protection categories, by degree of impervious coverage (excl. streets and bodies of water)
Fig. 7: Total area and pervious area by soil protection category
Fig. 7: Total area and pervious area by soil protection category
Fig. 8: Proportions of areas and their uses by soil protection category
Fig. 8: Proportions of areas and their uses by soil protection category
Fig. 9: Areas assigned to the category “maximum protection level“
Fig. 10: Areas assigned to the category “very high protection level“
Fig. 11: Areas assigned to the category “high protection level“
Fig. 12: Areas assigned to the category “medium protection level“
Fig. 13: Areas assigned to the category “low protection level“
Tab. 1: Area balance of the soil protection categories (excl. streets and bodies of water)
Table 2: Example of a planning requirements table