01.02 Impervious Soil Coverage

Map Description

This map presents the degree of impervious soil coverage, i.e. the degree to which soil is cov-ered with impermeable materials, expressed in % of the reference area (block or block seg-ment area). Generally, the degree of impervious coverage decreases from the city centre to-ward the outskirts. Exceptions here are the centres of boroughs Spandau and Köpenick, which were independent cities prior to 1920.

Map Imprint

Gruppe IX B 2 (City and Environment Information System)

Data Processing and Map Production:
AGU (Ecological Planning Team); IX B 2 using the Urban and Environmental Information System (ISU) Berlin; Geoinfo, C. Nietzsche

Data from:
February 2004


  • 01.02 Sealing of soil surface

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