Sealing of Soil Surface 2001


AGU Ecological Planning Team 1987:
Bodenentsiegelung – Konzept zur Umsetzung von Entwicklungszielen und Maßnahmen des Landschaftsprogramms, (Soil de-sealing: A concept for the implementation of development objectives and measures of the landscape program), under contract for the Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection Berlin, unpublished.

AGU Ecological Planning Team 1988:
Fortschreibung und Übernahme der Versiegelungskarte des Umweltatlasses in das räumliche Bezugssystem des ökologischen Planungsinstruments Berlin (öPB) (Extrapolation and incorporation of the Sealing Map of the Environmental Atlas into the spatial reference system of the Berlin Ecological Planning Instrument [ÖPB]), under contract for the Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection Berlin, unpublished.

AGU Ecological Planning Team 1989:
Entsiegelungsprogramm für öffentliche Flächen – Grundlagen zur Ergreifung von Maßnahmen für den innerstädtischen Bereich von Berlin (West) (de-sealing program for public areas: Foundations for taking measures for the inner-city area of West Berlin), under contract for the Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection Berlin, unpublished.

AGU Ecological Planning Team 1991:
Fortschreibung der ökologischen Planungsgrundlagen Berlin: Erstellung der Umweltatlaskarten 06.01 Reale Nutzung der bebauten Flächen, 06.02 Grün- und Freiflächenbestand, 01.02 Versiegelung (einschließlich Bebauungsgrad) für das Stadtgebiet der östlichen Bezirke und Integration in das Umweltinformationssystem (UIS) [Extrapolation of the ecological planning bases of Berlin: Preparation of Environmental Atlas Maps 06.01 Actual Use of Built-up Areas, 06.02, Green and Open Spaces, 01.02 Sealing [including degree of building] for the area of the eastern boroughs, and integration into the Environmental Information System [UIS]), under contract for the Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection Berlin, unpublished.

AGU Ecological Planning Team 1992:
Draft of a booklet on “Reduzierung und Minimierung der Bodenversiegelung” (reduction and minimization of soil sealing), under contract for the Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection Berlin, unpublished.

AGU Ecological Planning Team 1992:
Darstellung des Versiegelungsgrades unter Berücksichtigung der Belagsklassenverteilung und bestimmter Nutzungen (Representation of the degree of sealing, with consideration for surface-class distribution, and certain utilization), under contract for the Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection Berlin, unpublished.

AGU Ecological Planning Team 2002:
Update of the digital basic maps of the information system city and environment (ISU) under contract for the Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin, IX B, unpublished.

AGU Ecological Planning Team 2003:
Update of the digital basic maps of the City and Environment Information System (ISU), 2002 extrapolation, under contract for the Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin, IX B, unpublished.

Investigative Commission on Soil Pollution, Land Use and Soil Protection, 2nd Report (Final Report), 1988:
Berlin House of Representatives Materials 10/2495 of 18 November 1988, Berlin.

Geiger, W.F. 1992:
Regenwasserbehandlungskonzept für Neuplanungen im nördlichen Einzugsgebiet von Panke, Nordgraben (Rainwater treatment concept for new planning in the northern catchment area of the Panke north ditch), report under contract for the Berlin Waterworks, unpublished.

IFS Institute for Urban Research and Structural Policy GmbH, ARUM Ecological Planning Team 1989:
Bodenbelastungen in Verdichtungsgebieten (Soil pollution in dense development areas), under contract for the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology, Berlin, Hanover.

Klaedtke, H., Kleyer, M. 1991:
“Bodenversiegelung in Stuttgart, Methodik der Bestimmung aus Satellitenbild-Daten” (Soil sealing in Stuttgart: methodology for ascertainment from satellite-image data”), in: Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 6, pp. 238-242.

Mählenhoff, S. 1989:
Ökologische Folgen der Bodenversiegelung (Ecological impacts of soil sealing), in: Mitteilungen der Niedersächsischen Naturschutzakademie (Lower Saxon Conservation Academy) 4/91, pp. 6-16.

planland, Planning Group on Landscape Development 1991:
Explanatory text for updating Environmental Atlas Maps 06.01 Actual Use of Built-up Areas, 06.02 Inventory of Green and Open Spaces, 06.03 Green and Open Space Development and Sealing Data, under contract for the Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection Berlin, unpublished.

SenStadtUm (the Senator for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Berlin) 1985:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, Vol. 1, Map 01.02 Sealing, 1:50 000, Berlin.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Berlin) (ed.) 1992 A:
Spatial structure concept, Foundations for the Land Use Plan, Berlin.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Berlin) (ed.) 1992 B:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, updated and enlarged version, 1992, Map 02.09 Disposal of Rain and Waste Water, 1:50 000, Berlin.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Berlin) (ed.) 1993 B:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, updated and enlarged version, 1993, Map 04.04 Temperature and Moisture Conditions in Medium and Low-Exchange Nocturnal Radiation Periods, 1:50,000.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Berlin) (ed.) 1993 C:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, updated and enlarged version, 1993, Map 04.05 Urban Climate Zones, 1:50,000.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Berlin) (ed.) 1993 a:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, 1993 Version, Map 04.06 Surface Temperatures, Day and Night, 1:85,000, Berlin.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Berlin) (ed.) 1993:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, 1993 version, Map 04.07 Climate Functions, 1:50 000.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Berlin) 1995 A:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, updated and enlarged edition, Map 06.01 Actual Use of Built-Up Areas, 1: 50,000.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Berlin) 1995 B:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, updated and enlarged version, Map 06.02 Inventory of Green and Open Spaces, 1:50,000.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Berlin) 1995 C:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, updated and enlarged version, Map 06.03 Green and Open Space Development, 1:50,000.

Sperber, H., Meyer, H.H. 1989:
“Vorstellung eines Schemas zur Erfassung und Bewertung der Ver- und Entsiegelungsintensität in Siedlungsbereichen” (Presentation of a plan for the ascertainment and assessment of the intensity of sealing and de-sealing in developed areas), in: Das Gartenamt (the horticultural agency) May 1989, pp. 294 -298.

Berlin State Statistical Agency (ed.) 1991:
Statistical Yearbook 1991, Berlin.


Landsat-TM scenes of August 1985 and May 1986

Senate Department for Construction and Housing, Berlin (ed.) 1985 and 1990:
CIR aerial photography, 1:4000, 1985 and 1990 Berlin aerial photography flights.

Senate Department for Construction and Housing, Berlin (ed.) 1990:
CIR aerial pictures, 1:6000, 1990 Berlin aerial photography flights.

Senate Department for Construction and Housing, Berlin (ed.):
Map of Berlin, 1:5000, Berlin, various years.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection, Berlin) 1990:
Housing Policy Data Base, evaluation of story-height of residential buildings and building age groups, by block, 1:10,000 and 1:20,000, unpublished.

Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin (ed.) 1998:
Automated Property Map (ALK), land registries of the boroughs, III C .

Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin 1999 and 2000:
Digital basic map 1: 5000 (DIGK 5), IX B 2.

State Environmental Agency, Brandenburg 1998:
Digital ortho-images in the Berlin K10 mapsheet-line system, sw, 1:10,000, 1998 aerial photography flights.

Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin (ed.) 2000:
Map of Berlin 1: 5000 grid data, land registries of the boroughs, based on the ALK, 2000.

Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin, dept. I A 1, 2000:
Map and database: “Flächen mit gesamtstädtischen Veränderungspotenzialen” (Areas with Change Potentials of Overall Urban Significance), SenStadt IA1, Digital Map 1:25,000, as of: 20 June 2000.

Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin (ed.) 1999 and 2000:
CIR aerial pictures, various scales, Berlin aerial photography flights 1999 and 2000.