Geological Map 1 : 25,000 (Historical GK25) 1937


Assmann, P. 1961:
Geologische Karte von Berlin [Geological map of Berlin] 1 : 10,000, Sheet 425. Published by: The Senator for Construction and Housing; Berlin.

Berendt, G. & Dames, W. 1885:
Geologische Übersichtskarte der Umgegend von Berlin [Geological overview map of the surroundings of Berlin] 1 : 100,000. Published by: Prussian Geological State Institute; Berlin.

LBGR (Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe Brandenburg [Brandenburg State Office for Mining, Geology and Raw Materials]) 2017:
GK25 Geological Map 1 : 25,000.
(accessed on: June 22, 2017)

Limberg A. 1995:
State of the geological land survey in Berlin with results of the geological maps last published, 1 : 10,000, Sheet 425 and 426. Brandenburgische Geowiss. Beitr., 2, 1, pp. 39-49, Kleinmachnow.

Lippstreu, L. 2003:
Die geologische Karte von Preußen im Maßstab 1 : 25 000 jetzt auch auf CD. [The geological map of Prussia at a scale of 1 : 25,000 now also available on CD.]

Wolff, W. 1925:
Geologische Übersichtskarte der Umgegend von Berlin [Geological overview map of the surroundings of Berlin] 1 : 100,000. Published by: Prussian Geological State Institute; Berlin.

Stackebrandt, W. & Franke, D. (eds.):
Geologie von Brandenburg [Geology of Brandenburg]. – Schweizerbart, 805 pp., Stuttgart.

Limberg, A. & Sonntag, A,:
Geologische Übersichtskarte 1 : 100.000 mit Beiheft [Geological overview map 1 : 100,000 with booklet]. — 30 pp., SenStadtUm in cooperation with the Brandenburg State Office for Mining, Geology and Raw Materials and the Brandenburg State Office of Surveying and Geo-Basic Data Information.


SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin) (ed.) 2011:
Geoportal Berlin / Geological Map 1874-1937.
(accessed on: June 22, 2017)


Supported with ERDF funds the set of high-resolution maps was converted into digital form from 2009 till 2013 on the initiative of the Brandenburg State Office for Mining, Geology and Raw Materials (Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe Brandenburg, LBGR) (Application number: 80139259 / MI 08-019 L).