Assmann, P. 1961:
Geologische Karte von Berlin [Geological map of Berlin] 1 : 10,000, Sheet 425. Published by: The Senator for Construction and Housing; Berlin.
Berendt, G. & Dames, W. 1885:
Geologische Übersichtskarte der Umgegend von Berlin [Geological overview map of the surroundings of Berlin] 1 : 100,000. Published by: Prussian Geological State Institute; Berlin.
LBGR (Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe Brandenburg [Brandenburg State Office for Mining, Geology and Raw Materials]) 2017:
GK25 Geological Map 1 : 25,000.
(accessed on: June 22, 2017)
Limberg A. 1995:
State of the geological land survey in Berlin with results of the geological maps last published, 1 : 10,000, Sheet 425 and 426. Brandenburgische Geowiss. Beitr., 2, 1, pp. 39-49, Kleinmachnow.
Lippstreu, L. 2003:
Die geologische Karte von Preußen im Maßstab 1 : 25 000 jetzt auch auf CD. [The geological map of Prussia at a scale of 1 : 25,000 now also available on CD.]
Wolff, W. 1925:
Geologische Übersichtskarte der Umgegend von Berlin [Geological overview map of the surroundings of Berlin] 1 : 100,000. Published by: Prussian Geological State Institute; Berlin.
Stackebrandt, W. & Franke, D. (eds.):
Geologie von Brandenburg [Geology of Brandenburg]. – Schweizerbart, 805 pp., Stuttgart.
Limberg, A. & Sonntag, A,:
Geologische Übersichtskarte 1 : 100.000 mit Beiheft [Geological overview map 1 : 100,000 with booklet]. — 30 pp., SenStadtUm in cooperation with the Brandenburg State Office for Mining, Geology and Raw Materials and the Brandenburg State Office of Surveying and Geo-Basic Data Information.
SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin) (ed.) 2011:
Geoportal Berlin / Geological Map 1874-1937.
(accessed on: June 22, 2017)