Engineer's Geological Map 2015


Generally, the Engineer’s Geological Map shows the geological structure of the loose rock to a depth of 10 m; deeper if necessary.

Surface layers (topsoil and deposits of more than 5 m in thickness) aren’t taken into account in the map-like representation.

The individual areas were ascertained on the basis of the available bore-hole results. This means that identical sequences of stratification in neighboring bore holes constitute a common geological unit and are distinguished from other, adjacent sequences of stratification by delimitation of areas on the map. As a rule, the denser the distribution of bore holes, the more precise the information will be. At the surface, geomorphological factors such as dunes, plateau edges, bog hollows, etc., can also play a role in the delimitation of areas.

In the Engineer’s Geological Map, the upper horizon is shown two-dimensionally, with stratigraphic, petrographic and genetic representations. The thickness is expressed by different intensities of the primary colour.

For the stratification, the following depths have been selected:

< 2 m (light shade)
2 – 5 m (medium shade)
5 – 10 m (dark shade)

The available single maps were joined together, as a result of which geological units which had been divided by sheet-line boundaries were united to form complete areas. Via the interactive map from an appended table, it is possible, if necessary, with the aid of the FIS Broker data display, to access additional information beyond that of the stratum displayed, on other strata below it, down to 10 meters. Up to five overlaying layers are shown, with the appropriate stratigrafy, petrography and genesis.