Criteria for the Evaluation of the Soil Functions 1990



  • Criteria for the Evaluation of the Soil Functions as Word document

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  • Criteria for the Evaluation of the Soil Functions as PDF document

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  • 1.11.1 Regional Rarity of Soil Associations

    PDF-Document (9.1 MB)

  • 1.11.2 Special Natural CharacterSpecial Natural Character

    PDF-Document (9.1 MB)

  • 1.11.3 Near-Natural Quality

    PDF-Document (9.1 MB)

  • 1.11.4 Exchange Frequency of Soil Water

    PDF-Document (9.1 MB)

  • 1.11.6 Nutrient Storage Capacity/ Pollutant Binding Capacity

    PDF-Document (9.1 MB)

  • 1.11.7 Nutrient Supply

    PDF-Document (9.1 MB)

  • 1.11.9 Filtration Capacity

    PDF-Document (9.3 MB)

  • 1.11.10 Binding Strength for Heavy Metals

    PDF-Document (9.1 MB)

01.11.1 Regional Rareness of Soil Associations

  • Tab. 1: Evaluation of the regional rareness of the soil associations

    GIF-Document (6.2 kB)

01.11.2 Special Characteristics of the Natural Space

  • Tab. 1: Soil associations with a special natural-spatial peculiarity

    GIF-Document (45.9 kB)

01.11.3 Near-Natural Quality

  • Tab. 1: Evaluation of the Hemerobics and Near-Naturalness

    GIF-Document (36.1 kB)
    Document: according to Blume and Sukopp (1976); Blume (1990); Grenzius(1985); Stasch, Stahr, Sydow (1991)

  • Tab. 2: Evaluation of Near-Naturalness, Based on Levels

    GIF-Document (6.0 kB)
    Document: Lahmeyer 2000

01.11.4 Exchange Frequency of the Soil Water

  • Tab. 1: Levels of the exchange frequency of the soil water

    GIF-Document (5.4 kB)

01.11.6 Nutrient Storage Capacity/ Pollutant Binding Capacity

  • Tab. 1: Evaluation of the Nutrient Storage Capacity/ Pollutant Binding Capacity, Based on the Levels of Mean Effective Cation Exchange Capacity (KAKeff)

    GIF-Document (8.3 kB)
    Document: Lahmeyer 2000

01.11.7 Nutrient Supply

  • Tab. 1: Evaluation of the Nutrient Supply, from the Levels of Alkaline Saturation

    GIF-Document (9.4 kB)
    Document: Lahmeyer 2000

01.11.9 Filtration Capacities

  • Tab. 1: Evaluation of Filtration Capacity, Based on the Levels of Water Permeability

    GIF-Document (8.8 kB)
    Document: Lahmeyer 2000

01.11.10 Binding Power for Heavy Metals

  • Tab. 1: Evaluation of the Relative Binding Power of Heavy Metals in Dependence on pH Value

    GIF-Document (9.0 kB)
    Document: according to Blume and Brümmer 1987, 1991