Green Roofs 2016


Ahrendt, J. (2007):
Historische Gründächer: Ihr Entwicklungsgang bis zur Erfindung des Eisenbetons [Historical green roofs: Their development until the invention of the iron concrete], Part I. Doctoral thesis at the Faculty VI of the TU Berlin.
(accessed on: March 15, 2017)

Ansel, W., Zeidler, J., Esch, Th. (2015):
Fernerkundliche Identifizierung von Vegetationsflächen auf Dächern zur Entwicklung des für die Bereiche des Stadtklimas, der Stadtentwässerung und des Artenschutzes aktivierbaren Flächenpotenzials in den Städten [Identification through remote sensing of vegetation areas on roofs for the development of the urban area potential activatable for the fields of urban climate, urban drainage and species protection]. Final report of the development project of the German Association of Roof Gardeners (Deutscher Dachgärtner Verband e.V., DDV) and the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR), funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) (DBU, Ref. 30299), Nürtingen / Oberpfaffenhofen.
(accessed on: February 3, 2017)

BauGB (Baugesetzbuch [Federal Building Code])
Federal Building Code in the version proclaimed on September 23, 2004 (BGBl. I p. 2414), last amended by Article 6 of the law of October 20, 2015 (BGBl. I p. 1722).
(accessed on: February 16, 2018)

Betz, C.: (2010):
Methodenentwicklung für den Aufbau eines Gründachkatasters von Berlin am Beispiel des Bezirkes Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg [Method development for the establishment of a greened roof cadastre of Berlin using the example of the borough of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg], master’s thesis at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Geoinformatics, Geodesy, and Civil Engineering of the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences.
(accessed on: May 4, 2017)

BNatSchG (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz [Federal Nature Conservation Act])
Federal Nature Conservation Act of July 29, 2009 (BGBl. I p. 2542), last amended by Article 19 of the law of October 13, 2016 (BGBl. I p. 2258).
(accessed on: May 04, 2021)

BWB (Berliner Wasserbetriebe [Berlin Waterworks]) (n.d.):
Fee calculator.
(accessed on: May 23, 2017)

BMUB (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit [Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety]) (ed.) 2015:
Grünbuch Stadtgrün [Green Paper Urban Green].
(accessed on: July 11, 2019)

Coenradie, B.; Haag, L., Damm, A.; Kleinschmit, B.; Hostert, P. (2007):
Hauptstudie “Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines hybriden Verfahrensansatzes zur Versiegelungskartierung in Berlin” [Main study “Development and implementation of a hybrid procedural approach to mapping of impervious coverage in Berlin”]. Final report. Senate Department for Urban Development (ed.).
(accessed on: December 7, 2016)

Coenradie, B.; Haag, L. (2016a):
Erhebung und Aufbereitung von Informationen zum Gründachbestand in Berlin [Acquisition and processing of data on the stock of green roofs in Berlin]. Final report. Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment (ed.).
(accessed on: March 31, 2017)

Coenradie, B.; Haag, L. (2016b):
Versiegelungskartierung Berlin – Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung des hybriden Auswertungsverfahrens für das Jahr 2016 sowie Kartierung von Veränderungen [Mapping of impervious coverage in Berlin – Application and further development of the hybrid analysis procedure for the year 2016 and mapping of changes]. Final report. Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment (ed.).
(accessed on: March 31, 2017)

DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt [German Federal Environmental Foundation]) (2011):
Leitfaden Dachbegrünung für Kommunen -Nutzen, Fördermöglichkeiten, Praxisbeispiele- [Guideline roof greening for municipalities -benefits, funding possibilities, practical examples-]. Final report October 2011.
(accessed on: May 15, 2023)

DDV (Deutscher Dachgärtner Verband e. V. [German Association of Roof Gardeners]) (2016):
Kommunale Gründach-Strategien [Municipal greened-roof strategies]. Inventarisierung, Potenzialanalyse, Praxisbeispiele [Stocktaking, analysis of potential, practical examples].

Reichmann, B. (2009):
Stadtökologische Modellvorhaben und Gebäudebegrünung [Urban-ecological model proposals and greening of buildings]. In: Tagungsband – Internationaler Gründach-Kongress 2009 “Dachbegrünung in der modernen Städtearchitektur” [Proceedings – International Green Roof Congress 2009 “Green Roofs – Bringing Nature Back to Town”], pp. 135-144.

SenJust (Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection) (2016):
Verordnung über die Erlaubnisfreiheit für das schadlose Versickern von Niederschlagswasser [ordinance on permission-free percolation of precipitation water] (Niederschlagswasserfreistellungsverordnung [precipitation water exemption ordinance] – NWFreiV). August 24, 2001. Last amendment taken into account: §§ 1 to 4 amended by ordinance of April 28, 2016 (GVBl. p. 248).
(accessed on: January 13, 2017)

SenStadt (Senate Department for Urban Development) (2007):
Ökologische Kriterien für Bauwettbewerbe [Ecological criteria for building competitions].

SenStadt (Senate Department for Urban Development) (2010):
Konzepte der Regenwasserbewirtschaftung [Concepts of rainwater management]. Gebäudebegrünung, Gebäudekühlung [Greening buildings, cooling buildings]. Leitfaden für Planung, Bau, Betrieb und Wartung [Guideline for planning, building, operation and maintenance].
(accessed on: January 11, 2017)

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment) (2016):
Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels in Berlin – AFOK [Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change in Berlin].
(accessed on: May 04, 2021)

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment) (2016a):
StEP Klima KONKRET – Klimaanpassung in der wachsenden Stadt [Urban Development Plan Climate CONCRETE – Climate Adaptation in the Growing City]
(accessed on: May 04, 2021)

SenStadtWohn (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing) (n.d.):
Liegenschaftskataster: Amtliches Liegenschaftskatasterinformationssystem [Property cadastre: Official property cadastre information system] (ALKIS).
(accessed on: March 23, 2023)

SenStadtWohn (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing) (2017a):
Ökologisches Bauen – Modellvorhaben, Projekte [Ecological building – Model proposals, projects]. KURAS “Konzepte für urbane Regenwasserbewirtschaftung und Abwassersysteme” [“Concepts for urban rainwater management and wastewater systems”].
(accessed on: May 4, 2017)

SenStadtWohn (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing) (2017b):
Nachhaltiges Bauen [Sustainable building]. Ökologisches Bauen / Ökologische Gebäudekonzepte [Ecological building / Ecological building concepts].
(accessed on: May 4, 2017)

SenStadtWohn (Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing) (2017c):
Ökologisches Bauen – Ökologische Gesamtkonzepte / Ökologische Bausteine [Ecological building – Ecological overall concepts / Ecological components]. Baustein Grün [Component green].
(accessed on: May 4, 2017)

SenUVK (Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection) (n.d.):
Grüne Innenstadt [Green inner city] – BFF – Biotopflächenfaktor [Biotope area factor].
(accessed on: January 13, 2017)


SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin) (ed.) 2014:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, Edition 2014, Map 06.10 Building and Vegetation Heights, Berlin.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin) (ed.) 2016b:
Berlin Environmental Atlas, revised and extended edition 2016, Map 06.08 Urban Structure – differentiated, Berlin.

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin) (ed.) 2016c:
Geoportal Berlin / Digitale farbige Orthophotos [Digital coloured orthophotos] 2016 (DOP20RGB).

SenStadtUm (Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin) (ed.) 2016d:
Geoportal Berlin / Gebäudegeschosse [Building storeys].