Current language: English

Actual Use of Built-up Areas / Inventory of Green and Open Spaces



At this stage, space is a rare commodity in Berlin. The population has grown rapidly since 2010 and the economy, too, is booming .This of course means that more space is needed for residential and commercial purposes. Urban and landscape planning must be adapted accordingly. Besides ensuring that the available space is used efficiently, one needs to also factor in that how a piece of land is used impacts on the environment and the quality of life of its inhabitants. It is therefore essential to know the current land use, in order to integrate both potential needs and conflicts as well as climate adaptation measures in the planning processes.

This map provides an overview of the city structure. It also displays how and to what extent the land is used. The mappings are based on information from surveys on land use in Berlin that have been published previously. In addition, they draw on data from a variety of authorities and external sources.

In order to present the actual use of the built-up areas, a fine distinction is made, for example, between areas that are used solely for ‘housing’ and areas where some parts are used by ‘commercial and service enterprises’ in addition to ‘housing’. Areas with special types of use such as trade fair centres or areas with particularly high use intensities are also indicated on the map. ‘Green and open spaces’ are presented using a similarly detailed differentiation. For example, a fine distinction is made between ‘meadows and pastures’ and ‘farmland’ or ‘parks’ and ‘green spaces’ as well as between ‘tree nurseries’ and ‘horticulture’.

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