09.01.3 Availability of Green Spaces 2012

Map Description

Based on the ‘Analysis for the availability of green space’, a three-stage classification (“bad/very bad”, “medium” and “good/ very good”) was used to determine the degree of availability in relation to the catchment areas. This is how the different degrees of burden of core indicator 3 were determined.

Map Imprint

Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment (SenStadtUm) IX A 4 Socio-spatial environmental policy, environment-oriented sustainability in cooperation with III D 1 Urban and Environmental Information System, Environmental Atlas

Data Processing and Map Production:
Planergemeinschaft Kohlbrenner eG, Andreas Machate using the Urban and Environmental Information System (ISU) Berlin

July 2015


  • 09.01.3 Environmental Justice Core Indicator Availability of Green Spaces

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