The existing block- and/or lot-specific databases on housing and workplace heating have been compiled for graphical representation per block, or in individual cases per block segment. Of the approx. 26,500 statistical blocks respectively block segments contained in the Environmental Information System (ISU) of the Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, all those which are predominantly built-up are included on the map (cf. Map 06.07, SenStadt 2008b). In the case of self-contained sites located within parks, forests or other large grounds, only the corresponding block segments were researched and included in the graphical representation.
A division of results into two separate maps means there is both an overview for each energy carrier (Map 08.01) and a representation of the fuel type(s) used in each city block (Map 08.02). Map 08.02.2 shows the most significant sources of district heat. The fuel types used in residential and workplace heating are categorized into five heating types: district heat, gas, oil, coal and nightstore.
Maps 08.01.1 to 08.01.4 cover the heating types district heat, gas, oil and coal. They display the proportional shares of each fuel type for the total heated floor area of each block, provided the shares are 5 percent or greater. Buildings heated with nightstore systems are not shown separately because of their negligible overall share (less than 1.2 percent of total heated floor areas).
Each fuel type is represented by the same color palette. Lighter shades represent less densely built-up blocks (less than 5,000 m2 of heated floor area), indicating a smaller share of the energy carrier in the depicted area; conversely, the darker shades indicate densely populated blocks and the dominating influence of the respective fuel types shown on the four single maps (15,000 m2 or more heated floor area).
Map 08.02 Predominant Heating Types shows the predominant type of heating for each block. The color shadings for all five fuel types (ranging from yellow for natural gas to purple for coal) indicate the varying degrees of air pollution caused by the different fuels. The effects of district heating, unfortunately, cannot be assessed directly from this map; although no emissions occur at the consumer end for any of the individually-operated district heating networks of the 8 most important district heating providers
- Vattenfall Fernwärme
- Fernheizwerk Märkisches Viertel GmbH
- Blockheizkraftwerks- Träger- und Betreibergesellschaft (BTB)
- GASAG WärmeService GmbH
- Energie und Kommunal-Technologie GmbH (EKT)
- EAB Fernwärme GmbH )
- RWE KeyAccount Contracting GmbH (RKAC)
the burning of fuel may nevertheless cause significant air pollution at the point of heat generation. This is shown for selected plants on Map 08.02.2.
A heating type is classed as ‘predominant’ if its share of a block’s heated floor area totals more than 40 percent and if this share is 20 percent higher than the block’s next most-used fuel type. To distinguish the proportional shares between 40 percent and 100 percent, the percentages are divided into three equal levels. These are indicated by graduated shades of the heating type’s primary color.
If no predominant heating type is indicated by the proportional distribution within a block and/or block segment, the dominating heating types are grouped into one of seven mixed categories. Mixed categories are distinguished by coloring and cross-hatching.
The total heated floor area within a block and/or block segment serves as the reference base for the proportional distribution of the individual heating types. The average heated floor area of each residential/commercial block is approx. 12,000 m2. The floor area levels for each block/block segment are distinguished with a set of three symbols.