04.08.4 Runoff Quantity

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  • 04.08.4 Runoff Quantity

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Map Description

The parameter runoff formation that is investigated here is the simplified temporal mean of the difference between precipitation and evaporation per water catchment area unit. The grid units presented measure 1 x 1 km. This does not provide any insights into groundwater recharge.

Map Imprint

Gruppe III A 3 (Ökologische Planungsgrundlagen)

Data Processing and Map Production:
III A 3 unter Verwendung des Umweltinformationssystems (UIS) Berlin; P. Schlaak; W. Große-Wichtrup; M. Kannenberg; G. Fürtig, Dr. G. Glugla, Dr. A. Eyrich, Bundesantstalt für Gewässerkunde, AS Berlin

July 1994