Long-term Development of Selected Climate Parameters 2013



  • Fig. 0.1: Location of the evaluated Berlin climate stations in the municipal area of Berlin. The measurement sites are marked by yellow circles (the Potsdam station lies to the southwest outside the map section)

    JPG-Document (287.2 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014

  • Fig. 1.1: History of the annual mean temperatures at a height of 2 m of all stations under consideration in the respective measurement period up to the end of 2013; Berlin-Alexanderplatz and Berlin-Grunewald stations up to the end of 2012

    GIF-Document (21.5 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 1.2: History of the number of summer days of all stations under consideration in the respective measurement period up to the end of 2013; Berlin-Alexanderplatz and Berlin-Grunewald stations up to end of 2012

    GIF-Document (47.0 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 1.3: History of the number of hot days of all stations under consideration in the respective measurement period up to the end of 2013; Berlin-Alexanderplatz and Berlin-Grunewald stations up to the end of 2012

    GIF-Document (53.7 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 1.4: History of the number of tropical nights of all stations under consideration in the period 1981 to 2013; Berlin-Alexanderplatz and Berlin-Grunewald stations up to the end of 2012

    GIF-Document (21.2 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 1.5: History of the number of frost days of all stations under consideration in the respective measurement period up to the end of 2013; Berlin-Alexanderplatz and Berlin-Grunewald stations up to the end of 2012

    GIF-Document (39.2 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 1.6: History of the number of ice days of all stations under consideration in the respective measurement period up to the end of 2013; Berlin-Alexanderplatz and Berlin-Grunewald stations up to the end of 2012

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    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 2.1: History of the annual mean temperature at the Berlin-Alexanderplatz site in the long-term time interval 1981 to 2010

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    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 2.2: Climate diagram for the Berlin-Alexanderplatz station for the long-term time interval 1981 to 2010

    GIF-Document (20.6 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 2.3: History of the threshold days summer day, hot day and tropical night for the Berlin-Alexanderplatz station for the long-term period 1981 to 2010

    GIF-Document (31.2 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 2.4: Frequency of the occurrence of consecutive summer days, hot days and tropical nights for the long-term period 1981 to 2010 at the Berlin-Alexanderplatz station

    GIF-Document (19.7 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 2.5: History of the threshold days frost day and ice day at the Berlin-Alexanderplatz station for the long-term period 1981 to 2010

    GIF-Document (24.8 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 3.1: Climate diagram of the Berlin-Dahlem station for the long-term period 1981 to 2010

    GIF-Document (23.5 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 3.2: Mean monthly sunshine duration at the Berlin-Dahlem station for the long-term period 1981 to 2010

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    Image: statistical base DWD, processing GEO-NET 2014

  • Fig. 3.3: Mean wind direction distribution in the period 2001 to 2010 at the Berlin-Dahlem measurement station (measurement height 26 m). The ring lines indicate the frequencies of occurrence of the wind directions, their distance corresponds to 1 %

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    Image: statistical base DWD, processing GEO-NET 2014

  • Fig. 3.4: Frequencies of the wind directions in the annual mean at the Berlin-Dahlem measurement station in the period 2001 to 2010 by wind speed

    GIF-Document (106.5 kB)
    Image: statistical base DWD, processing GEO-NET 2014

  • Fig. 3.5: History of the annual mean temperature at the Berlin-Dahlem station in the period 1950 to 2013

    GIF-Document (21.0 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 3.6: History of the threshold days summer day, hot day and tropical night at the Berlin-Dahlem station in the period 1950 to 2013

    GIF-Document (37.0 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 3.7: Frequency of occurrence of consecutive summer days, hot days and tropical nights for the long-term period 1981 to 2010 at the Berlin-Dahlem station

    GIF-Document (17.0 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 3.8: History of the threshold days frost day and ice day at the Berlin-Dahlem station in the period 1950 to 2013

    GIF-Document (34.5 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 4.1: Climate diagram for the Berlin-Grunewald station for the period 1988 to 2010

    GIF-Document (18.2 kB)
    Image: Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 4.2: Mean wind direction distribution in the period 2001 to 2010 at the Berlin-Grunewald measurement station (measurement height 27 m, about 7 m above trees 20 m high)

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    Image: data provided by SenStadtUm 2013, processing GEO-NET 2014

  • Fig. 4.3: Frequencies of the wind directions in the annual mean in the period 2001 to 2010 at the Berlin-Grunewald measurement station by wind speed

    GIF-Document (86.5 kB)
    Image: data provided by SenStadtUm 2013, processing GEO-NET 2014

  • Fig. 4.4: History of the annual mean temperature at the Berlin-Grunewald site in the measurement period 1988 to 2012

    GIF-Document (18.7 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 4.5: History of the threshold days summer day, hot day and tropical night for the Berlin-Grunewald station in the measurement period 1988 to 2012

    GIF-Document (22.0 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 4.6: Frequency of occurrence of consecutive summer days, hot days and tropical nights for the 23-year period 1988 to 2010 at the Berlin-Grunewald station

    GIF-Document (17.1 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014

  • Fig. 4.7: History of the winter threshold days frost day and ice day at the Berlin-Grunewald station in the measurement period 1988 to 2012

    GIF-Document (26.0 kB)
    Image: GEO-NET 2014, Knerr 2014