Climate Model Berlin - Evaluation Maps 2001
Climate Model Berlin - Evaluation Maps as Word document
Climate Model Berlin - Evaluation Maps as PDF document
04.11.1 Climate Functions
04.11.2 Planning Advices Urban Climate
Fig. 1: Green area aggregation considering the example Airport Tempelhof and functionally connected areas. The dark green line marks the outline of the green area unit.
Fig. 2: Near ground current field and affect range of the cold air producing area of the Tempelhof Airport
Fig. 3: Previous Climate Functions Map (04.07) of the Berlin Digital Environmental Atlas (Edition 2001)
Fig. 4: Aggregation of green and open spaces; altogether 701 aggregation areas
Fig. 5: Simulated affect range of cold air produced in the Großer Tiergarten
Fig. 6: Examples of local bio-climatic burdened areas outside of the inner city, here in the districts Marienfelde/Mariendorf
Tab.1: cold air delivery of the cold air generating surfaces (Mass Flow)
Tab. 2: Planning classification of cold air producing areas
Tab. 3: Bioclimatic burden of settlement areas
Tab. 4: Overview of the qualitative classification of the aggregated green space areas