Age and Inventory Structure of the Forests 2014
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05.04 Maps of the Grunewald Forestry Agency
05.04 Maps of the Köpenick Forestry Agency
05.04 Maps of the Pankow Forestry Agency
05.04 Maps of the Tegel Forestry Agency
05.04 Legend as GIF
Fig. 1: Survey of the City Forests in the Area Surrounding Berlin in 1945
Fig. 2: Tree Species Distribution in the Berlin Forests (Main Stock)
Fig. 2: Tree Species Distribution in the Berlin Forests (Main Stock)
Fig. 3: Tree Species Distribution Berlin Forests (Secondary Growth and Undergrowth)
Fig. 3: Tree Species Distribution Berlin Forests (Secondary Growth and Undergrowth)
Fig. 4: Age-Class Distribution Berlin Forests (Main Stock)
Fig. 4: Age-Class Distribution Berlin Forests (Main Stock)
Fig. 5: Age-Class Distribution Berlin Forests (all Inventory Levels)
Fig. 5: Age-Class Distribution Berlin Forests (all Inventory Levels)
Fig. 6: Tree Species Distribution, Tegel Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 6: Tree Species Distribution, Tegel Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 7: Age-Class Distribution, Tegel Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 7: Age-Class Distribution, Tegel Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 8: Tree Species Distribution, Grunewald Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 8: Tree Species Distribution, Grunewald Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 9: Age-Class Distribution, Grunewald Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 9: Age-Class Distribution, Grunewald Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 10: Tree Species Distribution, Köpenick Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 10: Tree Species Distribution, Köpenick Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 11: Age-Class Distribution, Köpenick Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 11: Age-Class Distribution, Köpenick Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 12: Tree Species Distribution, Pankow Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 12: Tree Species Distribution, Pankow Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 13: Age-Class Distribution, Pankow Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Fig. 13: Age-Class Distribution, Pankow Forestry Agency (Main Stock)
Tab. 1: Assignments of Tree Species to Tree-Species Groups