Balance Sheet of Breeding Bird Population 1994


05.05 Bilanzierung des Brutvogelbestandes

05.05 Balance Sheet of Breeding Bird Population

This map presents the share of breeding bird species (actual value) for the year 1994 in relation to the expected indicator species groups (ideal value). It also includes habitat evaluations from an ornithological viewpoint. 05.05 Balance Sheet of Breeding Bird Population

05.05.1 Wert nach "Rote Liste Arten"

05.05.1 Value according to Red Data Book Species

Based on information from breeding bird atlases, the number of red-listed species occurring per mapped grid square was determined and presented. Classes 1 (threatened by extinction), 2 (highly endangered), 3 (endangered) and P (potentially endangered) of the Red List of Breeding Birds in Berlin (Witt 1991) were applied to categorise the species encountered. 05.05.1 Value according to Red Data Book Species