Biotope Types 2013



05.08.1 Biotope Types

The comprehensive Biotope Types map provides detailed descriptions of more than 80,000 biotopes. Besides their habitats, the map focusses on their flora and fauna indicating their characteristics as well as any threats and impairments. 05.08.1 Biotope Types


05.08.2 Biotope types - legally protected biotopes

The map of legally protected biotopes presents all biotopes which, according to the expert opinion of the mapper, fall under the legal protection pursuant to Art. 30 of the BNatSchG (Federal Nature Conservation Act) and Art. 28 of the NatSchGBln (Berlin Nature Conservation Act). 05.08.2 Biotope types - legally protected biotopes


05.08.3 Habitat types under the Habitats Directive

The map of habitat types under the Habitats Directive presents all biotopes which, according to the expert opinion of the mapper, correspond to a habitat type (LRT) under the Habitats Directive, or is part of a complex of habitat types (i.e. the biotope does not have the required characteristics but has the potential to develop into a habitat type). 05.08.3 Habitat types under the Habitats Directive


05.08.4 Data sources on biotope types

The map of data sources illustrates how biotope types are distinguished and classified as per the Berlin Biotope Type List. Data sources are differentiated as follows: surface mapping for protected areas/areas worthy of protection, biotope mapping for other natural and open spaces using aerial image analyses, and secondary data for biotopes in residential areas, green spaces, allotment gardens and cemeteries. 05.08.4 Data sources on biotope types


05.08.5 Biotope Values

This map presents the biotope value and the potential for conflict following interventions in nature and the landscape based on the Berlin Biotope Type Map. 05.08.5 Biotope Values