PM2.5-Emissions Traffic 2009

Map Description

The calculated emissions of the particulate matter PM2.5 caused by the polluter group ‘traffic’, including passenger cars, as well as trucks, buses and motorcycles are displayed here. The emissions for the entire primary and secondary road network are presented per 1 km2 grid square. They extend across almost the entire area of the city.

Map Imprint

III D 1 – Environmental Atlas in cooperation with Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection (SenUVK) I C – Immission protection and II A – Air Quality Measurement

Data Processing and Map Production:
SenUVK I C und II A, AVISO GmbH (leading) in cooperation with IE Leipzig, Andreas Machate, Danielo Methke, Madeleine Rauh, C. Nitzsche Geoinfo

August 2018


  • PM2.5-Emissions Traffic Secundary Road Network

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