Cemeteries serve as places of burial of the deceased and, for the living, as places of mourning. In addition, they are used as places of silence, recuperation and encounter, which is an important leisure factor, especially in large cities. Moreover, by preserving the art and craft forms of bygone days, they are cultural sites which document the past. But nature, too, has a place here. In this way, cemeteries cover a wide range of necessary components of urban life that needs to be preserved and developed.
The website www.meinkiez-meinfriedhof.de, collects planned activities, news and information about cemeteries. In addition to the “Tag des Friedhofs”, the annual Cemetery Day, it also draws attention to other events and arouses curiosity to discover the cemeteries in the neighbourhood. Various guided tours, concerts, readings and other events are planned for the coming months, as far as pandemic developments allow.