Current language: English

Climate Action

Wärmewende – Auf dem Weg in die Berliner Wärmezukunft. (Wort-Bild-Marke)

Berlin’s heat transition

Berlin needs a heat transition! Berlin is pushing ahead with the phase-out of coal and city-wide heat planning. The use of renewable energies for heat energy requirements is essential. More information


Climate-Neutral Berlin 2045

Berlin aims to make a significant contribution to protect our climate and will therefore become climate neutral by 2045. More information

U-Bahn an Dachbegrünung

Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Programme 2030

The Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Programme 2030 (BEK 2030) contains strategies and measures that are necessary for the reduction of local CO2 emissions and the improvement of our city’s resilience. More information

Blick zur Oberbaumbrücke (Molecule Man)

Adaptation to the consequences of climate change

Berlin has already experienced consequences of global warming on a local level and is therefore investing in adapting its infrastructure to changing climate conditions. More information

Europe from space

Climate Emergency in Berlin

On 10 December 2019, on the initiative of Climate Protection Senator Regine Günther, the Berlin Senate was the first Federal State of Germany to recognise the climate emergency. More information

Treffen der Bürgermeister auf dem C40 World Mayors Summit in Kopenhagen im Oktober 2019

International cooperation

A major amount of greenhouse gas emissions is caused by cities. Berlin is therefore cooperating with cities worldwide to make a joint effort on climate protection. More information