Support Program “Advice, support, and networking for transnational professionals working in art, media, and culture”

Deadline for submission/application

10 October 2024, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.

Submissions will not be accepted after 2:00 p.m., and transfers that have begun will be automatically cancelled.

Notes on the exclusion of the funding program

Exceeding the specified maximum number of pages, characters and/or megabytes will result in formal exclusion from the funding program. Incorrectly or incompletely uploaded identification, passport and/or registration documents will lead to a formal exclusion from the funding program. When submitting your application, please make absolutely sure that you upload all correct and necessary documents in a legible manner!

Funding target group and objectives

Funding is available for projects offering career advice, support, and networking for professionals working in art, media, and culture in any discipline who have left their countries of origin due to the current political situation there.


Berlin-based cultural organisations or a group of organisations with a legal entitiy under private or public law as well as partnerships under private law are eligible to apply.
Professionals working in art, media, and culture are persons who have completed relevant professional training or courses of study and who have worked, or are still working, in art, media, and culture on a professional level.

Volume of funding

Funding is available for project-related material or personnel costs.

Application procedure

Please take note of the additional details given in the information sheet before submitting your application.
Please note: A model finance plan has to be used. The form „model finance plan“ can be downloaded on our website (see below).

  • Information Sheet Advice, support, and networking for transnational professionals working in art, media, and culture

    PDF-Document (692.4 kB) - As of: August 2024

  • model finance plan (in German)

    XLSX-Document (30.0 kB) - As of: August 2024

  • Empfehlungen zur Honoraruntergrenzen, Ausstellungshonorare und Lesehonorare (in German)

    PDF-Document (92.5 kB) - As of: Januar 2023

Please submit your application online together with all relevant documentation.

Select the option “Spartenoffene Förderungen” in the choice field named “Förderbereich” on the first page of the electronic application form.