Project and reading series funding – Literature

Target group / Purpose of Funding

The funding is intended to support literary projects that pursue target group-oriented approaches and formats in the field of teaching contemporary literature and open up a context that provides space for projects, discourses and activities by third parties (authors, curators, Cartoon artists, theorists, mediators). It is possible to fund events that are to be carried out online. Please refer to the information sheet for details.

Eligibility and conditions

  • Projects / reading series allocated funding through this programme must be staged in Berlin between February and December of the respective funding year.
  • Applications must be submitted before work on the project / reading series begins.
  • All applications must be submitted in German.
  • The majority of those involved in the project live (primary residence) and work in Berlin or the Berlin connection is given by the location of the apllicant.
  • The celebration of anniversaries and other events of a predominantly private character are not eligible for funding through this programme.
  • Literary magazines are eligible for funding through this programme.

Funding volume

A maximum of €25,000 per project is available through this programme.

Call for applications

The project must be carried out between February 2025 and December 2025.

Application procedure

Please refer to the current version of the programme flyer (in German) for detailed information on submitting an application.

  • Informations on literature funding

    PDF-Document (172.4 kB)

  • Financing sheet (German)

    XLSX-Document (24.1 kB)

  • Recommendations on fee floors, exhibition fees and reading fees (German)

    PDF-Document (67.4 kB)

Please submit your application online together with all relevant documentation.