Global exchange grants of the Federal State of Berlin – for all disciplines

Deadline for submission/application: September 5, 2024 at 2pm (CET)

Online applications need to be fully submitted by 2 pm. After that, submission is no longer possible and transmissions which started are automatically cancelled.

Notes on formal exclusion

Exceeding the maximum number of pages and/or maximum data volume can lead to formal exclusion from the jury process. Submitting incomplete identity documents can lead to formal exclusion, too. Please make sure to submit all necessary attachments in the right format!

Target group / Purpose of funding

The global cultural exchange grants serve the artistic development (research and artistic work) of professional artists in all disciplines. The funding is provided for artistic work together with a cooperation partner at self-selected locations worldwide.

Eligibility and conditions

  • Grants are awarded to artists who have proven themselves through their artistic work and are able to verify this with their portfolio.
  • Applications must be accompanied by an invitation from a cooperation partner.
  • Recipients are required to remain on location for a minimum of 1 month during the funding period of three months.
  • Artists applying to this programme must live and work in Berlin, and be registered in Berlin (‚Erstwohnsitz‘)
  • Students and artistis holding a permanent professorship cannot apply
  • Artists from non-EU-States are only eligible to apply if they hold a valid residency permit which qualifies them for self-employment.

Funding volume

The grant comprises a payment of € 2,500 per month over the funding period of three months (a total of € 7.500).

Call for applications

The call for applications to this programme usually opens in July of each year for the following year.


An independent expert jury will be appointed by the Senate Department for Culture and decides on the applications to be funded. The members of this year’s are Korhan Erel, Inka Gressel, Christina Landbrecht, Nazanin Noori and Valentin Schmehl.

Funding results will be communicated to all applicants via email in December 2024.

Application procedure

Please read the current information sheet before submitting your application!

  • Information sheet

    PDF-Document (74.0 kB) - As of: 19. April 2024

  • Accessible information sheet

    PDF-Document (96.3 kB) - As of: 16. Juli 2024

Please submit your application online together with all relevant documentation.