3 Gethsemane Church

Opposition within Socialism

In the 1980s, numerous church groups promoting peace, environmental, and human rights formed in the GDR. Their political commitment had an impact far beyond the scope of the church. Beginning in 1987, there were events at Berlin’s Gethsemane Church that facilitated critical examination of ongoing concerns and developments in the GDR. In January 1989, a phone hotline was set up.

The subsequent opening of the Gethsemane Church for a continuous vigil, which began on October 2, 1989, had unexpected consequences. The close collaboration with the hotline team made it possible to produce authentic reports of events in the GDR. These were read out during the daily intercessory prayers, which attracted thousands of visitors. In October 1989, the Gethsemane Church became a hub of activity and information not only for the general public, but also for journalists from all over the world. On October 7th and 8th, it also offered refuge from violent security personnel.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, political life shifted more and more away from the church. The vigil ended on November 13. The Gethsemane Church, as a public church, has remained a place of dialogue and protest against tyranny and war to this day.


June 25, 1987
The critical exhibition “Contrasts in our city – Life in Berlin”, with photos by Harald Hauswald and texts by Lutz Rathenow, opened.

December 10, 1987
Church service in observation of Human Rights Day

January-March 1988
Prayers of solidarity for the members of the Opposition arrested at the Liebknecht-Luxemburg Demonstration in East Berlin in January

November 4, 1988
Educational service concerning the politically motivated expulsion of four pupils from the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Oberschule in Pankow

April 11, 1989
Rolf Henrich read from his work “Der vormundschaftliche Staat” (The Guardian State), which is critical of the regime.

September 25, 1989
Intercessory prayers for the Opposition members detained by security officers in Leipzig

March 7, 1990
Election forum with representatives from almost all parties and groups running for the Volkskammer

November 1990
Panel discussion with representatives of the Berlin Senate after the police evacuation of the squat houses on Mainzer Straße

January 1991
Peace prayers and protests against the Gulf War

November 1994
Action days against the deportation of refugees from former Yugoslavia

March 24, 1999
Protests against NATO deployment in Kosovo

July 24, 2017
Daily intercessory services for human rights activist Peter Steudtner, imprisoned in Turkey. These political services have since been held daily for all those unjustly imprisoned around the world.


Schoolchildren also visited the Gethsemane Church in the fall of 1989.
Photo: Robert-Havemann-Society Berlin, photographer: Frank Ebert