Cities as Change Makers in European Asylum and Migration Policy

Cities as Change Makers in European Asylum and Migration Policy - 1

International Cities4Refugees Conference
October 10-11 2024 in Berlin

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Personal Data



Select all that apply

Note: Places on the first day of the conference are limited and the exchange is intended in particular for experts (e.g. from civil society, administration, science) in the respective fields. Please indicate your affiliation in the box above on your affiliation/institution.

Additional Information

At the evening reception on the first conference day and at lunch on the second conference day vegetarian and vegan food will be served.

Declarations of Consent

Consent for Photography *

I hereby give my consent for photographs to be taken for the media coverage and online conference documentation.

Consent for Sharing Contact Information *

I consent to my first and last name and affiliation/institution being included in the participant list handed out to the participants at the conference.

Consent *

Contacting the Data Protection Officer

  • Name: Mr. Schwarz (Deputy: Mr. Volke)
  • Address:

    Senate Department for Labour, Social Services, Gender Equality, Integration, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination
    Oranienstraße 106
    10969 Berlin

Datenschutzhinweis der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung